I debated about doing this post, since I kicked May to the curb last week, but then I looked at all the images and the video from last month and realized that there were so many good moments to remember and rejoice over!

So, let’s do a bit of rejoicing shall we?

For a month that felt so darned rainy, there were lots of blue-sky photos! May brings such dramatic light changes – it is the month that I really begin to notice the dramatic changes day by day! And so many blooms and bees and birds! It just goes to show that if you take a photo every day – you will be amazed when you look back. There were some “firsts” – first iris, first asparagus, and those magical first poppies of the season! There was not much knitting, but I did manage to finish 2 projects! And, there were oodles of hours working outside in the garden beds and filling what felt like a gazillion containers!

The video was even better this month, I think a few seconds of video every day is just such a fun way to gather bits of the month. There was so much Genevieve (which is my favorite!) I even managed to get the video of a “Northern Michigan Traffic Jam” thanks to the road work crew who were working a couple of days during our stay! There were sunsets, Lake Michigan, birdsong, and all the bees!! Oh!! And there was whipping cream for the first strawberry shortcake of the season! If you look at the photo images, you might think we had a glorious sunny month, but we did have lots of rain!

And, there you have it, my Not-So-Bad-After-All-May!

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