I wonder what it would be like to live in a world where it was always June. — L.M. Montgomery

I think my photos last month show exactly what it might be like were every month June! And, yes please – can I get this on endless repeat?

It was a month of perpetual flowers, interesting skies, first fruits, and some darned good cocktails! Oh, and countless hours of outside time!

Why even the rainstorms were beautiful! And, though I was not happy to see it happen – that first super hot day was pleasantly delayed until month end. I know that hot days are necessary to make those tomatoes grow!

The videos also were so fun this month – and so much Sherman! My favorite is him barking at the Chantix Turkey. Yep, he hates him and he barks at him every time the commercial is on!

How was your June?

Photo by Min An from Pexels

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