Mid-August… yes, I said it. Unbelievably, the month is half over. I am having zero success in my efforts to slow August down and my garden is beginning to show “end of season” signs. All of this is putting me in a bit of a melancholy mood – although I am more than ready for the neighborhood kids to head back to school, thank you very much!
Thrilled —
I don’t know if its just my “Ravelry Pattern Highlights” but I have enjoyed seeing a much more diverse group of models and designers recently! Models are not all 20-something, stick-thin, and white – and I say bravo! It is lovely to see diversity of age, shape, and yes, beautifully multi-cultural! It also makes me so happy that the “never-ravelry” nitwits have seemingly burned themselves out.
Go Sew —
I have spent much of the week pinning and cutting out a bunch of patterns. Honestly, this is my least favorite part of the entire sewing process and I figured that just sitting down and pinning/cutting in assembly line fashion would minimize the pain. As of this morning I have three things cut out, with two to go! In other words – next week will be full of my favorite part of the sewing process – the sewing part! My sewing next week will include: two Uniform Tunics, one Esme Tunic, one pair of Rose Pants, and yes, one Zadie Jumpsuit! I am excited to sit down at my machine with a stack of sewing to work on!
Irritated —
Yes, the aging process has positives, however this week I cannot think of a single one! Perhaps that is because I am focused on the aspects of aging that are just downright irritating. Things like the increased occurrence of UTI’s in postmenopausal women (hello, why yes, I do have another UTI…thank you very much!) and needing a different strength reader to *read* the damned computer monitor! So, this week I am navigating the pitfalls of growing older – and not very gracefully. My irritation is extending to Happy Hour as I am weighing the pros and cons of having a cocktail while on an antibiotic.
Forward looking —
Next weekend Steve has a work function and I am really looking forward to the time by myself! It feels selfish to say that, but boy it is so true!
What about you? Are you looking forward to anything?
That’s all I have for this week! I hope you all have a great weekend and I will see you all back here on Monday!
Sorry about the UTI! I say go for the cocktail – perhaps one with cranberry juice??
Meanwhile, I never thought of assembly line cutting out for sewing, but what a great idea (that’s my least favorite part too). I’m anxious to see your jumpsuit – looks like such a cute pattern.
Enjoy your time next week. Alone time is always good (and necessary) – not selfish at all to look forward to that time (can be good for both of you!). Happy weekend!
I love seersucker and can’t wait to see which of your patterns you will be using it for. In college, my roommate and I had a poster that said “Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day”. While pinning and cutting aren’t quite the same thing as eating a live frog, good for you for getting the not-fun parts done to better enjoy the fun of sewing!
I would suggest a mocktail for happy hour if your abx and alcohol aren’t a good mix. Perhaps a virgin Cape Codder?
Looking forward to seeing all of your sewing!
I’ve been noticing that end of season look to things outside too. I wish summer were longer. My husband and I are retired. When we were working, our hours differed and sometimes our days off did too. So imagine suddenly being together constantly! It took some adjustment. So I totally get you enjoying a nice block of alone time.
I went through a time where I had a bunch of yeast infections and they said it was a peri-menopausal thing. Ahhh, the shit no one tells you about. I used to love to cut out patterns for my mom, it was like playing with paper dolls.
I say enjoy the quiet house next week. We love our mates but sometimes a break is good for both parties. Darn those UTI’s. After a particularly stubborn infection, I take a cranberry supplement now and again as a preventative. I’m looking forward to a little knitting time. I’ve spent a lot of time preserving tomatoes.
I have some excellent advice on avoiding the UTI front if you are interested. I grow weary at how my joints betray me, first my ankle now my wrist, thankfully it is brief!
I lost my “computer glasses” on Thursday, I think, and put in a call to a likely lost & found this morning… crossing all my fingers & toes that my glasses were found & turned in. Ugh. I tried every pair of readers at Target the other day and nothing worked…