I have been spending a good bit of time thinking about how to reinvigorate me as I contemplate my blog. I keep circling back to the less is sometimes so much more concept as I have contemplated this space. I know that we all have a finite number of minutes during the week and frankly, time spent on a computer or digital device sucks a great number of those minutes from our lives each day – so do you really need one more blog post to read every day? Truthfully, I just don’t have anything edifying to say every day! I don’t have a million fun little anecdotes to share nor have I gone to any exciting places to fill you all with travel envy! As you can see in my monthly “looking back” posts – we are truly homebodies and are most comfortable in our home. But finally – and perhaps most importantly – the tipping point to these blog changes is a result of my word – focus – this year. That word is having such a dramatic impact on my life as I have spent the year working through how to focus on my life, my days, and the things I do!
I do so love TGIF posts, but lately I have found them to feel a bit rote at times. So, Friday’s are going to take on a bit of a different theme here at AsKatKnits. I am going to use them to share things that will close out the week – my week, and usher in the weekend.
This week brought lots of changes – visually and physically:
I eased back into walking. My ankle has been feeling better, not perfect – but better enough to take modified walks.
I picked the last of the raspberries on Wednesday morning and made the final bit of raspberry jam for the year.
Signs of a fading summer are everywhere – the green of the trees is fading, and some of the leaves are beginning to dry and curl. The burning bushes in my front yard are beginning to show signs of the coming color around the edges of some of the leaves. I wish I could say that the grass is showing signs of slowing its growth pace, but as yet, that has not happened. Even the skies look different in these waning days of summer.
The Farmer’s Market is also slowly changing as fall fruits and vegetables are beginning to show up!
And, amidst all of these gradually changing things, I am spending my days welcoming these tiny changes – being aware of them – and reveling in them. And, those three things have helped me appreciate, and stay focused on the immediate rather than wishing for what comes next.
Yet, to tell you that I am not thinking about “that next thing” would not quite be true. Last month Joji published this pattern and I have not been able to get it out of my mind. It has filled my creative thoughts as I ponder what I have in my stash that might work. It is also keeping me focused on finishing Reagan so I can cast on sans guilt! I also don’t have Morinne Short and Sweet out of my system yet and have plans to knit another one this fall!
All in all, I feel very accomplished as this week draws to a close – which is just what I need to welcome a “list free” weekend! I hope your weekend list has little on it as well! Have a great weekend and I will see you all back here on Monday!
Oh Kat – I am on a similar wave length. Good to hear your ankle is healing. Enjoy your weekend
Sounds like your OLW has really brought you joy this year. That is so nice. I am welcoming the subtle (and some not so subtle) Fall changes around here. My weekend plan is to go to the NJ Sheep & Fiber Festival tomorrow. No other plans needed! Enjoy your weekend Kat!
I struggle with blogging every day, too, sometimes. I think, maybe if I blogged less frequently the blog posts I write would be more . . . profound. Or something. But I have so many people who tell me they read my blog over their morning coffee each week day and I feel like that matters and it makes me keep going. Sometimes I write enough to get them through their whole cup of coffee and sometimes I imagine they are done before they’ve had the first sip! You do YOU is what I always say!
It sounds like focus was the perfect choice for your OLW, and has made a difference in your life in so many ways! I’ve also been thinking about blog reinvigoration, but so far, I got nothin’. I’ve been considering Ashes, but mohair makes me itch, so most of my thinking has been about yarn substitution. Enjoy your list-free weekend!
Ashes is gorgeous!!
I try not to think too hard about blogging! I do it (when I feel like it) and I enjoy it… when I don’t enjoy it anymore, I’ll stop.
That said, I agree with Carole… there are many people who regularly read & enjoy my blog, and I’m constantly reminded that there are more than I realize (and/or hear from in comments).
Sometimes I wished I blogged more because I so enjoy reading the posts of those of you who do. But I think you’ve hit the nail on the head: Sometimes there just isn’t much to say, and we none of us need the pressure to constantly come up with new and exciting content. Sticking to my regular schedule (Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday) helps me to — dare I say it? — focus my thoughts so that I’m productive when I do sit down to post and not feel like it’s a chore that I have to do. I think that your blog should work for you and that it has to grow with you over time. As much as I have always loved your Friday posts full of links, I also like this new focus.
blogging is such a time user and I get tempted to ease up but then I like rituals and schedules and I adhere to my 3x a week visit. I do like to visit you and see you and I value your presence as my friend but I get trying to do what feels right. I’m sure in the future blogging might not be around? Or something new will be there? I battle with blogging and instagramming and news consumption.
It’s all balancing isn’t it?
I’d rather give up FB than blogs, but more and more people have abandon their spaces to follow other paths (my for instance). 🙂 Being on a computer is my least favorite thing. I spent the last 20 years starring at a screen for 8 hours a day and I just can’t spend that kind of time again. I give myself an hour in the morning and that’s all I need to read (2-3 times a week) blogs and the news. I understand injury and hope your ankle heals and you continue to keep up our exercise routine. I’m having knee surgery in October and I’m not looking forward to it, but it’s a must. Send positive energy, please.
I think it is about finding the right balance for you. I prefer blogs and Ravelry to other social media. I read our local daily newspaper and a little of the NYTimes. I need to take the news in small doses. I like the glimpses of ordinary life I find in blogs but do what seems right for you. I also hope your ankle continues to improve. I love to walk and do so most days. I sure miss it when I can’t go for some reason or another.
I hope you’ve had a restful and rejuvenating weekend. Getting outside, finding your feet again, and simply being (without the computer) is soul work. and most necessary. xo.
I think you should blog when you can about what yo want and not hold yourself to anything that does not work for you and your life. I used to post so much more but with work and raising a little one with special needs time is short. Good luck on your projects.
Our weekend included the craziest lightning storm we’ve ever had in this area as well as the first time being directed by our new choir director. Both things were amazing!