I have come to regard November as the older, harder man’s October. I appreciate the early darkness and cooler temperatures. It puts my mind in a different place than October. It is a month for a quieter, slightly more subdued celebration of summer’s death as winter tightens its grip. — Henry Rollins
Henry Rollins certainly has November pegged! This month saw the most dramatic changes, I think. From colored leaves to bare trees. From gently warming days to repeated frosts. And, rain… a colder wintry rain, no longer the warm rains of summer and early fall! There was one day (the 6th) that the photos were so spectacular, I could not pick just one! It was a month that in looking back upon, there was much to be full of gratitude for, which if you asked me before this post – I would have been was hard pressed to say there was much to find gratitude in at all! I am profoundly grateful for these images that have helped me refocus.
November in 58 seconds was not bad either!
There was moving my body – indoors and out! There was so much good food and even a bit of snow! I sadly missed one day of video – so you get a double dose of Steve in his Jerome Bettis super-special and amazing jersey… only in Pittsburgh is this such a big deal! (Also, please note that though Steve hates modeling knitwear, he is eager to show off his jersey… just sayin’ lol)
I hope your November was spectacular as well! See you all back here tomorrow for a bit of Unraveling!
I love the quote you chose and I LOVE clicking trough your calendar every month! I’m happy to see frost, knitting, leaves, and your spoiling Sherman with his own advent calendar. I had to google Henry Rollins and it turns out he is a singer, writer, and said lots of other interesting things. Thanks for teaching me something new today!
November sure went by in a “quick-hurry” (as my mom used to say)! I LOVE that Sherman has a treat calendar. (My dogs are jealous. . . ) XO
I think the months get faster as we get later in the year (which would explain why January always seems to last the longest). November seemed to go by in a flash, and I’m still in denial that it’s already December.
I loved seeing all the Sherman cameos in this month’s video!
That quote is SO true about November. Great collage and video.
Our November went by quickly because it was warmer than normal until Thanksgiving. December came in cold, snowy and gray.
Maybe because November is Sara’s and my birthday month and our anniversary, I give the month a little more grace. Still … it is a tough transition, especially because October is just such a great month! That said – your photos and video show all kinds of good stuff. I had no idea they made Dog Advent Calendars. And the sky and leaves are beautiful!
I love your November photos. Oh those skies – where ever we are – they are gorgeous. Both you and Bonny remind me to look up. Bright blue here today. November is a transition into winter. The quote is so so true. Have a good week.
I’ve not found much to celebrate about the demise of summer! 🙂 November – IMHO – only gets any credit because of Thanksgiving. That said…there have been some spectacular sunrises this month! Love all the photos!
Such a lovely month – of course I’m biased since it’s my month to clelebrate my trips around the sun… love your calendars and the video. Looking forward to seeing December! Carry on!
You do great photos! Aside: based on your walking shots, it looks like you turn your left foot out a tiny bit. So do I. Once again, we are sisters 🙂