She wasn’t looking for a knight. She was looking for a sword. — Atticus
Yesterday was International Women’s Day and, imo, it should be International Women’s WEEK…but I especially liked the Google Doodle for yesterday!
And, speaking of amazing women…Clara Parkes has started a new thing…The Daily Respite and I think you absolutely need it in your life. The inaugural post dropped this morning and it was awesome!
This was part of that message… who’s singing with me?
Happy Monday everyone!
Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán from Pexels
Very good idea from Clara Parks thanks for sharing. Love the 2,000 voice choir and of course ABBA. My boss was whistling Fernando the other day. I never tire of disco. Happy Monday.
Thank you so much for sharing Clara’s Daily Respite! I’ve been trying to read factual, scientific information, so I’m also in need of distraction and moments of relief. Here’s to a healthy and happy week!
Yes! I signed up for Clara’s Daily Respite last week. I love it!
I’m on board for Women’s YEAR! and all the thanks and hand-waving for the Clara Parkes link. Thank you!!!
I hadn’t hard about the Clara Parkes respite – thank you!
you made my Monday with the video, what music!! Happy Monday to you and may it be mundane 🙂
Another reader here, grateful for the information about Clara Parkes’s latest. I also really like the quote: “She wasn’t looking for a knight. She was looking for a sword.” Wonderful! Is this Atticus the Canadian poet?
Thanks for mentioning this. I signed up as soon as I heard Clara’s name. The video was a perfect reason to get up and dance.
I, too, signed up for Clara’s Daily Respite last week. Such a grand thing!
I have a real issue with International Women’s Day. Does that imply that every other day of the year is a men’s day? Harumph.
Now, I am off to go see what wonderful things Clara has in store for us.
Happy Monday! Let’s celebrate a Women’s Week or Month or Year!! Thanks for the information about Clara Parkes respite. Great ideas Kat. Just the lift I needed today.
(catching up on blogs) That video was lovely…and scary. I hope it was recorded pre-pandemic.