September showed up right on schedule, and lasted a whole month. — Jenny Wingfield
This was a month that I wish felt like February… short and over almost before it began. The days just dragged on and I had the worst case of the blues in September. It was hard to find one thing good in any of the 30 days and even in this look back there are few things. It feels like each day is an exercise in finding something to distract me from my sadness. I am missing my family terribly and September was especially bad. I missed Heidi’s 30th Birthday (because, honestly… a call is just not the same as being there), Winston is growing *rapidly* and it feels like I am missing all.the.things. And I know there are so many of you who are going through the same things I am and I think about you every day… and I wonder will we get through this? How will this change us? I can’t imagine that any of us will be better for this enforced separation.
Thing I was most surprised by —
The smoke from the fires out west making its way here and impacting our skies (and the air we breathe). It made me understand better how this was impacting those living in the midst of the fires. And it made me more worried for my daughter who lives near San Francisco (as if I needed one more thing to worry about, but worry more I did.)
Thing I was most grateful for —
Winston has been smiling, but not on “cue” or not when my daughter had her phone (of course, lol) but there was a moment and she managed to get one on camera!
Thing that “got me through” but there is no image —
The book club from my church. This month our Dear Church Zoom Conversations have helped me tremendously. Being in a group of people who are trying to find ways to be a better ally was better than I imagined. And though we finished our book discussion, October will bring continued discussions with a broader group of participants. I am nervous, but very excited to continue this journey.
And with that… my look back at September is over. Happy Monday everyone!
Your September photos are lovely as always, but your words brought tears to my eyes. I will be missing Ryan’s 30th birthday on Wednesday and making do with a phone call and some Animal Crossing. You’re so right – it’s definitely not the same as being there. Here’s to better days ahead for all of us.
I’m glad to hear your discussion of Dear Church is continuing, and with a broader group!, because I think so much of our work builds and builds and builds. And it makes such a difference to have a place to tend to it. Left to ourselves, we can only take it so far.
And the distance…I feel like your words are the heart behind this pandemic. My friend here feels a similar distance in regards to her 94-yr-old mom. Whether the youngest or oldest, we miss time that we cannot get back. And it seems there’s no way to cushion or soothe it. One Little Word: vaccine. xoxo
I’m so glad you were able to experience so many bright spots in a tough month, Kat. Keep moving.
I’m sorry it was such a tough month for you. I suspect we all have had or will have a moment when it all becomes too much and we have trouble finding the bright spots. I am glad that even in all the darkness you knew this and knew to look for them, and I hope you find more and more in the days to come.
I’m sorry that September was so hard for you. I agree that we won’t be better for the forced separation but I do think there are lessons in all of this that will make us more resilient and hopefully more grateful for the things we do have. Of course, I am able to see my children and 2 out of 3 grandchildren frequently and that is a huge difference in our situations. Hang in there, Kat.
oh Kat, the photos show a lovely month … and I’m so sorry the woman on the other side of that lens had such a different experience. it sucks. I trust there’s hope in these next few weeks (months? ye gads, yes, probably months) … and no, I’m not sure we’ll be better, but maybe we’ll love each better. the Dear Church group you’ve found looks amazing! (I’m finding great comfort in being sad in community these days).
How are you creating your monthly photo gallery? I really like it and have been wanting to do a daily phot challenge. I apologize if you have answered this before, I searched and didn’t find it
I love, love, love these look backs! I’m so glad you were able to publish one despite how hard September was. I hope October is better. I like the idea about all of us learning to love each other better.
Yes, September seemed to be gone in the blink of an eye. Not sure how any of us are going to be once we get on the other side of this “thing”. I think it’s brought out both the good and bad in people, and it’s okay to be sad-you’re human.
Your September photos tell a story of beauty in the face of sadness. I know. Face Time while it is important and I’m grateful for it, isn’t the same. We will be changed but I am hopeful some changes will be for the better.
I wish we could see the end of covid sooner than later. I wish you could see W sooner than later too. These are trying times.
Sending a big hug your way and your photos do show some bright spots. It really is hard. xo
I am really sorry to hear that September was such a difficult month for you. It is really hard not being able to spend time with extended family isn’t it. I do hope that October brings some happy moments for you, happiness in the things that you can control.