I remember it as October days are always remembered, cloudless, maple-flavored, the air gold and so clean it quivers. — Leif Enger, Peace Like a River
I love October, but this year it was a bit melancholy for me this year. Every year, pre-COVID, we head off to Michigan to spend a glorious chunk of time with my kids. There are trips to Lake Michigan, family meals, lots of laughter as we catch up with the things a phone call/FaceTime does not afford. We always go to the Empire Hops Festival with my son. None of those things happened. But it was still October.
I am going to talk about the differences that this October brought…and those differences were so good!
The first BIG difference was voting on the 10th of the month! This was a new experience for me and I confess, I love early voting and I plan on adding this to my October calendar next year!
I loved the multiple “Halloween” grands images! Pumpkin pants FTW! And what’s not to love about a cowgirl and her very own baby horse! LOL (But, those Dalmations on the 31st!! That one brought lots of tears, because of this:

Sam, Heidi, and Rachel – 3 of the 101 Dalmations!
The final different thing was our spur of the moment decision to head back to Erie at the end of the month. Steve has been trying to use up vacation days, but a day at a time really does not promote any sort of a mental health break. So, since we were not going to participate in handing out candy (or throwing out candy, as our Township determined… yep, stay at least 9′ away and throw candy at the Trick or Treaters) we headed to Erie for 5 glorious days. Things not captured in photos here… the birds. Wow. I saw so many familiar birds, including Pileated Woodpeckers, but we also saw birds I had never seen in the wild before like Bufflehead Ducks and Black-bellied Plovers. The weather was perfect, not warm and a bit rainy AND there were virtually no anywhere! We took Carolyn’s advice and headed to The Cork 1794 and had the most amazing lunch! But, perhaps best of all, we discovered Icing on the Lake and indulged, more than a bit! lol
So even in a month where I did not get to do what I most wanted to do, I did manage to find good things in October!
I’m sure [and hope] the time away recharged your spirit.
Oh my! Your grandchildren are darling Kat! Love the pumpkin legs and the dalmations and Vivi as a cowgirl – fabulous. Winston smiles a lot too!! Looks like October was a different, but still good month.
Yes, my favorite photos were the grandchildren in the Halloween outfits! How cute they are! Looks like your October was quite lovely and you certainly have made the best of our situation. Nicely done!
Sososo glad you got back to Erie! And I’m really curious about Cork’s new location. (Looks like they relocated from Northeast; I thought they opened Erie as a second location. Good to know.) Anyway–above and beyond THAT, it sounds like I need to get to Icing on the Lake next summer! I’m *all about* a bakery… An October to celebrate, for sure–glad to see so much good came from this year’s version!
Cork was amazing! Thank you so much for the reminder! The food + the cocktails were the perfect treat (and we had dessert, oh yeah!) And stumbling upon Icing on the Lake… divine! Must haves: Salted Caramel and Smores’… I can’t wait to head back!
I feel so bad for you not being able to make your traditional October trip to MI, but you certainly did a wonderful job of finding all kinds of other good things in October. So hooray for darling grands, a return to Erie, early voting, a bakery, and the tear-inducing dalmations. Hopes and hugs that you can see your kids and grandkids soon.
Your grandchildren are adorable. It is a hard year, not being able to see family isn’t it. It gets harder as time goes by. I do hope that 2021 can be the year of family. We can do this, hard as it is, we will get through it.
I’m sure not going to visit Michigan was terrible but it does sound like you are accepting the changes with grace. It must have been nice to get away to Erie!
Such darling grandchildren. I know you missed your trip to Michigan and I am sorry. I know a little about that feeling. October is usually our traveling month to see kids also. I am glad you were able to get away to Erie. You made the best of the month.
sounds like you had a restive getaway and that it was much needed. I agree here and there days off doesn’t give a true mental break.
I think we’re all going to experience that sorrow from missing out on our usual traditions very soon, if we haven’t already. I know kiddo is sad about spending Thanksgiving and the December holidays with just our little family. But I’m choosing to view it as an opportunity to start some new traditions — and to remember that we’re making a really important sacrifice by staying apart! It looks like your trip to Erie was really restorative (and tasty!), and I’m glad you were able to make it work.
I wasn’t expecting to see so many kiddos and I love their costumes … and their smiles! (when did having more than one costume become A Thing?!) Getting away looks like the perfect ending to the month – and I hope you were well-rested for the marathon session that was last week!
I do love your October look back and am so sorry that you had to miss your Michigan visit. Sounds like Erie may have taken a little of the sting away. xo
Oh my gosh… those KIDS!! So glad you were able to get away for a few days.