• arrives right on schedule despite a weekend of little sleep…courtesy of a returning bout of insomnia.
  • comes with a longer than usual to do list…courtesy of me ignoring things to sit and spin instead for most of last week.
  • shows up despite having done no blog post prep over the weekend (if only that single thing kept Monday’s from arriving, I’d make it a weekly thing! lol)

I’d like to say it was a great weekend but the weather was really horrid here in Pittsburgh. We had to have the heat on because it was so cold and damp in the house. And Mother’s Day had particularly miserable weather, but I did get some “sunny” phone calls.

If you are wondering how cold it was here this weekend, I took the iris photo on Saturday and it is still blooming this morning.

Things I did not do this weekend (or last week for that matter): laundry, kitchen floors, bathroom, thank you note writing, (or blog post writing…sigh.)

So here I am on a dreary, yet dry, Monday – list in one hand, an extra large coffee in the other…and maybe, just maybe, if I can get through that list a reward of an afternoon nap could be mine!

I hope your Monday is less full than mine and that your weekend was amazing!

See you all back here on Wednesday!



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