Happy Friday, Gentle Readers…but honestly, I can’t quite believe it’s Friday! This week just raced by at a speed that is a bit frightening.
Summer arrived rather abruptly… it went from frosty mornings and the need for the furnace last week to some very warm weather, which looks like it is here for the duration now! (They are talking about 90+ degree temps for today.) With this warm weather my allergies also arrived rather abruptly as well, sigh.
This week was full of lots of busyness, but there were some fun things as well!
Triumphant (unlearning) —
If anything, I am a creature of habit…especially with something I have done many times before. Like making bias tape, for example. I have made yards and yards and yards of bias tape which includes getting out my bias tape maker. It is a bit fussy and I alway, always burn my fingers in the course of the making. I had been putting off making the bias tape for just those reasons…but stopping in the making of the project to get bias tape made is no fun. But this YouTube video changed all of that! The first few seconds of the video contained nothing new (at least for me) but at the 1 minute point the magic begins! The Two pins and about 20 minutes of burn-free ironing and I have some really gorgeous, perfectly folded bias tape. You can teach an old dog new tricks! Now I want to make all sorts of fun bias tapes! lol
Good (fun) —
A couple of weeks ago Kym posted about languishing… and that word. It is just not a feel good word for me. To me languishing almost seems purposeful… as if I am languishing rather than it making the impact on me. Apparently, I was not the only one who had an issue with languishing! Enter this article! Yes! This is it! I am indeed feeling very dormant! If you too struggled with languishing, perhaps dormant is more what you are feeling!
Intentional (making) —
Is there a point in a makers life when you reach completion? Perhaps you know it… that point in a makers life when you have eleventy-billion sweaters, scarves, shawls, wraps, tunics, tops, socks… I think you get the point. You have enough…or at least you know you have enough, but there is still the urge to make driving you. I am at that point… or very close to it! So what I did was sit down and write out a list of my “love to wear” items and then looked realistically at that list and contemplated holes, things that need to be replaced, things that need an update…a refresh. And I wrote those things down. I have a list of 6 things for the summer/early fall season… Some things are holes that I need to fill. Some things are things that need to be updated…they are worn out and need to be replaced. Some things need to be updated… maybe new pockets, maybe a band of fabric at the hem, maybe new bias tape! Haha. Anyways… I have my list and I am sticking to it!
Finally (let the weekend begin) —
Yes, it is Friday and that means weekending! I have a bit of a list of things to get done outdoors for today. Sadly, they won’t complete themselves… so I better get going! LOL
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I will see you all back here on Monday with an update on my word!
Good Dormant article Kat! Thanks for sharing. I think I like that word better too. Can’t wait to see what’s on your making list…should be fun. My Friday is off to a great start – all 3 of my conference calls have been cancelled. I have sheets ready to hang on the line and I plan to knit and stitch some! Let the weekend begin! (and, yes, 90+ degree weather is forecast for us this weekend…then Monday I saw the high only in the 60’s – crazy!)
MAKE PRETTY BIAS TAPE AND BIND ALL THE THINGS!! Wow. That’s a couple of pretty great tricks!
Have a great weekend, Kat!
Hooray for new ways to make bias tape and intentional making! And I love the dormant terminology and article. Languishing brought to my mind a mental picture of lying on a fainting couch, hand to my forehead, and sighing deeply, but dormancy feels like a better name for where I am. Have a great weekend!
That bias tape video is genius! I am still a novice sewist and haven’t really had a need to make bias tape, but if/when I do, I am going to remember that!
Allergies are really bad, aren’t they? I take a daily allergy pill, but my eyes have been really itchy and watery this week during my walks. It doesn’t help that all the landscapers are blowing grass and leaves and dirt everywhere, either.
Happy weekend!
I think being intentional about your making is very smart and I applaud you for making that list. My allergies were awful a few weeks ago but they have settled down lately, thank goodness! Have a great weekend!
I have been thinking a lot lately about . . . what to do when you’ve made more than you need. Last week, I took a good, hard look at many me-made things in my closet/drawers that I actually never use or wear, asking just that question. My answer? Let’s just say . . . my local Goodwill shoppers will have some lovely hand-knits to choose from. (My version of charity knitting, I guess.) (I hope you’ll share more about your list.)
I’ve been thinking a lot about the intentional making, too … and realized I need another outlet for my making besides sweaters! I’m glad that our prayer shawl ministry will be gearing up again next month. and I could use a few quilts 🙂 (and gah, sorry about the allergies!)