“Most of the dandelions had changed from suns into moons.”
For a long month, May seemed over before it began! Likewise… holy cow it seems like all we did was drink! (Perhaps that is why the month flew by? lol)
Anyways… there were some good things this month! Like so many sunny days, blooming iris, and unfurling leaves! AND… there were so many not.too.hot days to be outside enjoying the weather!
Always there are things I could have done better, which include doing more spinning during the month. I barely sat at my wheel in May, aside from that photo to start the month. I hope to remedy that and find some inspiration to sit and spin some in what remains of this month.
There you have my May memories. What about you? What stood out for you in May?
your may looks perfect to me! I bought a house and sold a house in May now to do the relocating in June 🙂 It’s getting frazzled over here.
I think your drinks all look delicious, and those cuties on the 9th are so adorable!
May felt like a time when things started to feel a bit more normal, so I think a celebratory drink or two (or more!) was in order. Here’s hoping June turns out to be a little less summery and we can all enjoy more time outside without melting.
What a month! Your irises! I’m hoping to get some in the ground for next year… yours are lovely! Vivi and Winston are so adorable in that photo 🙂
I hope your June is full of time with flowers, books, and fiber!
Oh, Sherman. You always take the cake for me. And those look masterful poached eggs! For me, May spoiled us with ideal spring weather. We don’t get to say that in CO most years (we usually have at least one freeze that ruins our fruit trees). Real spring temps and just the right amount of rain made for lots of garden enjoyment for me—alone and with friends on the patio! Crazy talk!
oh, Vivi and Winston – all the heart eyes! plus YOU, Sherman, and a seemingly endless happy hour 🙂 What stood out for me in May was finally getting together with my family. Hugging my mom and my sister. … and having Sara here to hug them too!