Bring (the official start of) summer and a very full week.
I have a list which includes the mundane that I don’t need a list to remember to do, but the joy of crossing things off inspires me to always include the mundane.
It includes finding a new physician… never, ever a fun task but I can’t put it off any longer. (I have had it on my list for several weeks now… sigh)
It also includes finding my missing AirPods. I am hoping that if I pull the sofa apart first this morning I will find them. But everywhere else I have looked has not been successful. Sigh.
I hope your Monday brings a short list and a long, lovely day! See you all back here on Wednesday!
Oh dear! Good luck with your tasks. I hope finding a doctor is easy (and with excellent results) and I hope you find your AirPods. I’m attempting to “ease” back into work without too much fuss!!
I hope you have a few enjoyable tasks on your list since it also includes things that I know I wouldn’t enjoy. Sending all the good AirPod-finding juju your way!
Maybe you should ask Tom for advice 🙂 I thought of Kym’s post when I lost my husband’s Airpods on our road trip! GOOD LUCK with your physician search. I’m with you. I thought I’d hit jackpot, but after my first appt decided to keep looking. Sigh. (I think I’d rather search for a new doc than a new hairstylist, though!) xo
Good luck finding your AirPods! Also wishing you success finding a new doctor. I am on vacation (staycation) this week, and I think I need to make a list. It’s all about crossing things off the list. ????
I hope by now those missing AirPods have shown up! (If they don’t, they are apparently a big deal for Prime Day!) I, too, enjoy putting the mundane things on my to-do list. It’s amazing how satisfying it is to cross them off!
Finding a new doctor is always hard. At least now you can find reviews online for everything, including doctors, so I hope it’s an easier task than in the past.
I picked all my new doctors from the internet and I’ll go from there. I will greatly miss my family physician who became a family friend…gah! So sad to leave him!!!
I hope you found your airpods! They seem SO easy to lose – yikes!
Lost airpods- no fun and good luck on the search.