We are just one week into February… how then does it feel like that week had way more than 7 days. Is it just me or does it feel like it should be the 17th of February?
I don’t think this bodes well for the remainder of my month! Haha!
What have I been doing in the past seven days? Hmmm, if productivity equals time… then in reality it should only be the second or third! Sigh.
What I have been doing is lots of thinking about Full and it’s Opposites (my list currently has the following: lacking, empty, inadequate, wanting, and incomplete.) And that last word has really been getting a work out.
Some years ago, I did a Year Long Stitching project and I loved every minute of it. I did not have a pattern, no charts, no direction… except my own. And for as much as I loved that project… it is incomplete. I stitched, I washed, I dried, and I readied them to be assembled… and they are *still* waiting exactly where I put them.
But I loved stitching so much, I thought that perhaps doing *more* stitching would help inspire me. So I signed up for a 100 Day Poject and I stitched for 100 days. And that has likewise sat, tucked away in my stitching basket.

Above you can see the “top half” of the 100 Day Project… this is the “bottom half”
Perhaps you can see where this is going. My thinking has turned back to stitching… it is a thing I miss… lots. I have tried to do cross stitch and it just does not bring the same joy… nor does it spark the same creativity. And in the past few days I have been looking at that 100 Day Project… and it seems…. lacking… unfinished… incomplete. (Exactly like the Year Long Stitching Project!)
As soon as I am done with my Super Secret Test Knit, I am pulling out both projects and plan to fill some of the moments from my week with them. I have an idea of what I want for the Year of Stitching… I just need to begin the work to complete them!
And it brings me great joy to think about filling in that incomplete 100 Day Project!
And those are the thoughts filling my brain on this cold, but very sunny Monday morning! What about you? What is filling your head right now!
See you all back here on Wednesday for some Unraveling!
I am glad you will be doing something with your beautiful stitching. I loved it when you were working on it and would show your progress. Can’t wait to see what you do!!
You’ve described it perfectly, last week had way more than seven days! I do love your stitching and I’m glad you’ll return to it – all in its own time, and finish them in a way that works best. I’m looking forward to seeing your ideas!
What’s filling my head is thoughts (and actions) of packing up the MD house. I thought I was being really careful not to accumulate too much “stuff” but I also didn’t want to feel like I was camping here without a spatula, vegetable peeler, or corkscrew. The kitchen counter is packed with all the things I need to take to Goodwill. I wonder how much crap I would have accumulated if I hadn’t been careful!
I was just thinking of you and your stitching project and wondering if you were doing more. I am enjoying all the cross stitching I’ve been doing and I think there is space in my life for it.
I can’t wait to see what you do with those stitches pieces!
It will be cool to see those pieces become something more! Oh, don’t I know about unfinished stitching projects…
What’s filling my head? Vacation plans! It feels so weird after all this time of at-home or close-to-home vacations, but it also feels great! I can’t wait to feel 85F and salt spray on my face.
I felt like all of last week was February, even though it technically didn’t start until Tuesday, so maybe that’s why the week felt so long.
I’m delighted to see your stitching come out again. While some efforts like the 100 Day Project are a great way to focus on something, it doesn’t mean that the project is over when the time period ends. This piece clearly is unfinished, and I have a feeling that you’ll know when it is done, whenever that may be.
You should definitely pick this up. I just love it. I’ve never done this kind of free-form stitching, but I’ve always wanted to. Your work is inspiring!
Kat, I clicked over to your Year of Stitching post and – GASP. Those pieces are gorgeous. Truly. And your 100 Day Project is just as beautiful. You are such a talented stitcher. I’d love to see them all completed and for you to unveil your final vision for them. Of course, the challenge for so many of us is to find ways to give all of our creative endeavors just a little time in regular intervals to see them through.
What’s filling my head? Finding more time for writing while also filling my own stitching and reading cup! There’s so much I want to do!! How does one prioritize? Sigh – it will be my lifelong challenge, I suppose.
I’m so glad you’re catching up with your stitching project! It’s so lovely and so worthy of some showing off. Sometimes . . . things just need a little “marinating” time before they’re ready for The Big Finish. Things take the time they take. (Mary Oliver said that first, of course.) XO
Kat I was just thinking about that stitching project and wondering what had become of it … how wonderful to see it again!
I too love your stitching project. I wonder how it will progress. Often the joy is in the journey. I’m with Kym, sometimes projects need a little time to marinate.
I agree! So far this year is going way too quickly, and I need to slow down and enjoy every minute. I also have been trying to get back to stitching but keep finding something more to knit. And I also have lots of WIPs of all types that keep calling to me….sigh! Wish I could do a different thing with each hand! ;>)