Greetings Unravelers!
Happy Wednesday! Perhaps you remember that test knit I did last month. Well, I can finally share it with you all!
I present MaryJane Mucklestone’s Lakeway Beret! As always, it is a joy to knit one of MaryJane’s patterns and this one is a color work masterpiece! I felt like I was painting with yarn as I knit away. I simply love the natural colors that MaryJane selected! It has quickly become my favorite hat! Light weight and so warm! In the rush to knit so many other hats, I had forgotten how easy fitting a tam is… and how it does not give you “hat hair”!!

Lakeway Beret in the sunset
All the details are here on my Ravelery project page. (sorry about that… beware the flashing icons as you sign in)
Aside from that, I have picked of Vera’s sock again (as you can see above!) I have the heel turned and am working my way down the foot. A finish is likely this week! Woo! (just in time for it to NOT be sock weather! hahaha)
And over the weekend, I spun up a bit of yarn to finish my Hitchhiker. It works well, I think.

It practically matches my “starting yarn”!
But this week my focus has been on sewing – pajama sewing specifically – Monday I finished started and finished the pants. Tuesday I started the top and will hopefully finish up the top today. I have the hard bits to go… the collar, the facings, and those joyous button holes! Those pajama pants pattern alterations though… perfection! They fit perfectly and I can’t wait to wear them. They are so soft and comfortable… and NO SIDE SEAMS! And that fabric… well those are from a really lovely sheet set that I got more than 20 years ago from Meijer’s in Holland, MI – at the time they carried a line of products from Katie Brown… these sheets were just divine (and I am pretty sure I bought them when they were on clearance) but then I got a different sized bed and they got packed away. I could not get rid of them because they were in such great condition. And I am so glad I did not because they are just the perfect pjs!

I have enjoyed sitting at my sewing machine this week. (Good thing, because I have lots of sewing still to complete! HA)The reading this week was so delightful! Two brilliant finishes! I have slowed down my reading a bit, and I am honestly enjoying it so much more. I love giving myself a bit of a pause as I read to digest what I am reading. As well as a bit of a pause when I finish a book to savor the joy that the book has brought me.
These Precious Days: Essays by Ann Patchett
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This is only the second book I have read by Ann Patchett, but I think I need to read all of her books!
These Precious Days is a collection of essays… and if a writer can connect with someone talking about something the reader has not done, has not experienced… and make the reader feel like they are there… or even better… makes you think that you might need to try something new, that is truly good writing.
That is exactly how Patchett made me feel… even though I had not done (or had no interest in) some of the things she talked about, she packed my bags and brought me along… and I had so much fun.
I highly recommend this book! Really… you need more Patchett in your life!
Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Wow! What an incredible story!!
I had my doubts as I started out…it took me a bit to figure out the characters and the times, but once I figured out who was who and when they were. I just followed the trail that Doerr led me on… twists and turns, for sure… so pay attention, but you will not be disappointed in how this ends.
My favorite character… Zeno. Oh my gosh, Zeno! And Omeir… he really worked his way into my heart.
If you want to go on an epic journey with a book, about people who love a book… read this book!
I highly, highly recommend!
And there you have my making. What about you? What is filling your week?
As always, if you wrote a post to share, please leave your link below and thank you!
The hat is so beautiful! Love the colourwork 🙂
Your Lakeway Beret is gorgeous and looks so good on you Kat. Congratulations on a wonderful Test Knit!! Your PJs are so fab too. Love the sheet fabric which I imagine feels just great against your skin. I’ve read a few books by Ann Patchett and I may just need to pick up another. I thoroughly enjoy reading essays, so “These Precious Days” may just be the ticket for me!
What a great beret, Kat! And you wear it so well. 🙂 (But I hope you’ll be able to pack it away until next winter. . . ) And those sheets are PERFECT as pajamas. (I love that you re-used the label. Genius move!) XO
You look adorable in your new beret! But like Kym, I hope you don’t need to wear it for warmth anytime soon. The sheets work brilliantly as PJs and I can’t wait to see them finished.
I, too, really enjoyed the way that Doerr brought all those story lines together. I think trying to figure out what was going on was what propelled me through the first part of the book, and he really did a genius job of bringing them together in the end.
I am making little things right now and hoping to cast on for my new sweater soon, as my very busy schedule allows. I’m really hoping for some more reading time as the week winds down — I’ve only managed a few minutes each day so far this week and it’s frustrating!
I really enjoyed Cloud Cuckoo Land also. I didn’t try to keep track of the people but just kept reading and it all came together so nicely for me. Wonderful book!
Your beret is gorgeous and it looks perfect on you! Congratulations on a really lovely knit! I’m also excited about your Hitchhiker and those pajamas. It just seems so fitting to re-use sheets, and I hope they are as comfortable as they look.
Love the upcycled pajamas.
I have thought about Cloud Cuckoo Land. You just pushed me over to getting it. 🙂
I just bought that pattern, so it’s fun to see your finished hat!
Fantastic beret on you–and I love its name… Those pajamas! Those sheets! I’m so glad you saved those all these years–because they make PERFECT pj’s! Wow. I hopped on here hoping to see those… What a productive week. Enjoy the fruits and the laboring!
Kat, your beret is gorgeous! Love the jammies, too! Is that a toe-up sock??? I have not finished any of the ones that I have attempted. I even have some really good resources, and still no-go. Whattayagonna do? LOL
That’s a great beret! And your pajamas will be fantastic, too. I loved Cloud Cuckoo Land as well.
The beret is beautiful. No hat hair is a bonus indeed. The pj’s are going to be so nice. Oh buttonholes they always were my downfall. I send you good thoughts to sew yours. I loved Patchett’s latest book of essays. I have enjoyed many of her books but some not so much. It’s always good to take time to savor your reading.
So much to love here! That beret is lovely – I’m so glad you can finally share it 🙂 And the pile of wool and fabric in your opening picture is beyond cozy. Those pajamas! How much fun!
Thanks for the recommendation for Patchett’s latest book. I read This is the Story of a Happy Marriage (a previous book of essays by her) a few years ago and LOVED it.
And of course – Cloud Cuckoo Land. Brilliant! I enjoyed the journey Doerr took us on, how the story lines tied together, and thinking about the effort it took to preserve good literature so long ago. Sigh.
I’m drooling over the hat and the other knits but your sewing – OMG – it is perfection.