Greetings Unravelers!
This week is truly a week for unraveling… issues. So let’s get started!
First, I thought I’d give you all a very brief update on my experiences at the new doctor yesterday. No… there were no C3PO-style staff. Whew, right? But I am still “digesting” my visit and whether the doctor is a keeper or…not. However, I am having bloodwork done on Friday morning, because of course, right?
But The Big Issue that I need help with is my Temperature Embroidery project!! I have completed 19 days but I have run into a bit of a hiccup and I have been at a bit of a standstill until I can figure out a solution to my problem! I am doing woven wheels for each day and, honestly… I just love how they look and I don’t want to switch to something else! But here is my issue, those little wheels don’t play nicely with an embroider hoop and I wrecked a couple of them as I moved along the line of days …in the first row. I posted an image on IG and the pattern designer suggested a frame contraption that I hand turn. And since I could see that the hoop issue was just going to continue to be an enormous problem, so I bought one but boy… is this the most awkward thing ever created?!? I have not found a rhythm for how to use this monstrosity but stitching a woven wheel with no frame or hoop is a no go…because a lack of tension makes for sloppy woven wheels! So… if any of you have any tips or tricks on how to use the wooden frame… I’d appreciate them so I can happily return to stitching!
There has been the tiniest bit of making this week!! I have a completed pair of mitts just in time for the return of some wintry mix-style weather! They have been a welcome addition to my morning outings with Sherman!
I also cast on a new gnome. This gnome has yet to whisper any advice to me, but perhaps I am just not listening. I will forge ahead with the arms today… and maybe then we shall see if this gnome needs a beard… or some braids!
The reading this week has been good – I finished The Revolutionary: Samuel Adams (with mixed feelings) and have started listening to A Constellation of Vital Phenomena. I am just settling in with it and have no thoughts at all about it yet but I love the title!
I finished reading the soon-to-be-published Allende book, The Wind Knows My Name. I know that last week I was not sure if the book would fall into the “so very good or not so good at all” categories but, as it turns out, I ended up liking it very much! It is not a typical Allende book, but that does not make it bad… imo. Anyways, it is a book that I have not stopped thinking about – which is what I think Ms. Allende wanted…a book that will niggle at you, and this book is that!
As such I have found it hard to settle in with a new book so I started reading an essay or two from Ross Gay’s Book of Delight’s before bed and it is so delightful!
I also started the most appropriate post-doctor appointment book: The Swedish Art of Aging Exuberantly by Margareta Magnusson (of The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning) After Monday’s appointment, I needed a healthy dose of levity… and thank you, dear Margareta for starting with gin! (Yes, chapter one is about drinking with friends!)
I want to thank all of you in advance for any tips for using that embroidery frame… and I want to know what’s on your mind today!
As always, if you wrote a post to share please leave your link below and thank you!
I also have one of those scroll frames and have had no success with using it. I find it difficult to use!! So I’ll be keeping my eye on your comments to see if anyone has any advice.
I’ve also started listening A Constellation of Vital Phenomena. Like you, I’m in the opening chapters and am not sure what to think about it yet. For some reason I thought it was like Station Eleven, but it’s not. So I’ve had to switch gears a bit. I can’t wait to see what you think about it!
Kat, I enjoyed your post this morning. I started my gnome, and she is not speaking to me either- yet, but I am not hating the futtzy knitting, just not moving fast.
I agree with your assessment re: Sam Adams book. It’s not very engaging ,imo, new info for sure but geez. Not sure though if it’s the narrator.
Doctors, grrr, they are my main stressor in life. The art of looking at a patient and doing a head to toe assessment days are over. It’s all about the algorithm and billable minutes.
If one finds a good doc. hang on to that doc. with everything you got!!!!!!!! Good luck.
I love your mitts! You will definitely need them this week. I’m sorry I don’t have any advice about the embroidery frame. I used a hoop in my early days and then quickly moved to stitching in hand, but I’ve only really done cross stitch, so it’s a different kettle of fish.
A Constellation of Vital Phenomena is an amazing book. I read it last spring and am still thinking about it! Be prepared to cry, though.
I’m sorry that I don’t have any advice re: the frame. I wish I did because the wheels are lovely. Maybe it’s a bit like using double points and you’ll get more comfortable as you use it more? I’m looking forward to seeing what your gnome says and what you think about Margareta’s book. I’m on the hold list but it seems like many others want to age with exuberance. The first chapter sounds good!
True confessions: I rarely use an embroidery hoop when I embroider. I find them cumbersome and they make me cross. So . . . my suggestion is to try those wheels without a hoop at all. 😉
I loved Constellation of Vital Phenomena so much. (And I’m reading ‘Aging Exuberantly’ right now, too.)
I’m raising my proverbial G & T to you both right now! I read MM’s book yesterday (had a lodge evening while Elsa skiied with classmates…so lots of time to finish!). Page 74…my favorite. I laughed so hard I couldn’t stop–public be damned! (All too relatable for this mother of a similar son. Enjoy it when you get to it, if you haven’t already.) 🙂
The only time I use a hoop for stitching is when I am doing cut & drawn work or Hardanger, but I can see what you mean about a hoop getting in the way of your woven wheels. I’ve never used a scroll frame (seems way too bulky for me), but some folks I know who use one also use two hands for embroidery. They keep their dominant hand on top and their other hand underneath the frame. Not sure if that would work for you or not, but give it a try if you like. I can’t wait to see your new Gnome progress a bit. Hmmm…beard or braids…or maybe both? (a hippie gnome?? – LOL). I hope things can work out with your new doctor and I hope your blood work comes back all ok!
finding a doctor that you like is HARD. My pcp is okay – I’m still getting to know him and his style. I wish you luck and hope you pass your tests with flying colors.
Like several others have commented, I don’t use an embroidery hoop. I didn’t like the marks it made on the fabric so I just learned to not use it. This was all counted cross stitch, though, so that might be a very different experience. As for your doctor, I encourage you to remember that THEY work for YOU and not the other way around.
I had one of those scroll frames years ago when I did some larger counted cross stitch projects and found them very cumbersome to use. Since then, I don’t use a hoop for most of my embroidery projects and haven’t had any problems, even with wagon wheels and other fancy stitches.
I hope all goes well with your tests and wish you luck with your new doctor!
I am not any help with the embroidery frame. I need the fabric taunt and usually try to position the hoop to do the least amount of damage to already finished stitching. The piece is lovely though. Some great book reviews here too. Hope all is well with the medical tests – seems like we get one round finished and its off to the next.
The best way I found with a big square frame is sit at a table and prop it up, or do some contortionist poses on the sofa to prop it up on your knees. There are stands you can get too, but I’m not a fan. Love the mitts!