I drifted into a summer-nap under the hot shade of July, serenaded by a cicada lullaby, to drowsy-warm dreams of distant thunder. ― Terri Guillemets

Oh July… you begin the challenges of my year… you and August are my least favorite months. Your heat and humidity are not my jam. So I am going to take with me some of the joy I found in my week of #NOMO (Necessity of Missing Out) and bring more of that to you, July!

Things that will be part of July… Unraveled Wednesday… because I like the mid-week check in with all of you… but I am not committing to more posts than that… and that feels very good… a bit of a July nap or two!

  • I have some painting I want to dabble in.
  • I have that skirt to knit! I am almost done with the lace, but this second knit is going at a much slower pace that the first one!
  • I have some spinning I want to do. I am not Tour de Fleecing, but rather spinning for the pure enjoyment of it!
  • Finally, a bit of mapping out of some sewing I want to do! I have been toying for eons with ideas for my Year of Stitching samplers… and I have finally figured out what they need. Stay tuned, I hope to get them well under way this month!

It is a good list… and it leaves me lots of room for the joy of #NOMO!

So welcome to a quieter July! See you all back here on Wednesday!

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