Greetings Unravelers and Happy Wednesday!
I have a trio of wee gnomes in my gnome choir! I will get the alto started soon, rounding out my quartet! Ha!
But my bass is finished.. meet Gnolan! He is Gnola’s twin and they have been singing in harmony for eons! Or at least since their cast on! Ha! (if you are wondering which pattern I used, it is this one!)
But for all the joy of Gnome Finishes… I did have a bit of unraveling this week. Sigh. I discovered an error that once I noticed it, I could not stop seeing it. Tinking back 6-ish inches was not happening so I ripped it back to the end of the ribbing and began again. A word of warning… that first chart is not one that is easy to memorize, lol. (or my feeble brain just can’t get it!) But I am now on to the second *memorized* chart and the knitting moves so much quicker. I should be back to my rip back point soon!

Mistake-free knitting… thus far!
I also have my painting place *all ready to go*… now I just need to … well… pick up a paintbrush and begin!
It has been another slow reading week. I have just one finish… Invisible Women which Bonny put on my radar recently. I would challenge men listen to this…really. Listen and learn.
I have also been reading poems from Naomi Shihab Nye and Lucille Clifton… so so good! These ladies have been perking up my afternoon time considerably!
I am roughly halfway through The Bee Sting and almost finished with my nighttime read, My Friends. I have been savoring My Friends… the writing is so beautiful. The story is moving. And I am learning something about Libya and the Libyan people and while the story is based on characters that lived in Benghazi, I have much been thinking about Derna. A timely read, to be sure!
Whew… for not much making or reading, this was a rather wordy post! What about you? What are you focused on this week?
As always, if you wrote a post to share please leave your link below and thank you!
my painting mojo went out the window!! Love your wee gnomes, always a delight to behold. I just finished a shawl and will now focus on finishing my neverending sweater that needed some different yarn to finish.
Just LOVE the gnome choir! So clever and creative, Kat! (Fun, too. . . ) After knitting a couple of Pressed Flower projects, I’ll just say this . . . the more familiar I got with the pattern, the more mistakes I made! Which sounds silly, but I think I just gradually . . . stopped paying as much attention and headed right into the mind-wandering mode of knitting. Maybe you, too? (And why are those paintbrushes so dang heavy and difficult to pick up after a break????)
I love your gnome choir! Each one is wonderful individually and they make a terrific group together. It’s difficult to unravel, but I’ve almost always been so much happier once I can proceed forward with mistake-free knitting, and your pressed flowers are beautiful! It’s my turn for Bee Sting next in the hold queue, but the library has been saying “ready soon” for what feels like a long time. I hope soon really is soon!
This is another example of why your gnomes are always my favorites! You always add such thoughtful touches.
I hope very much that you find time soon to sit down and pick up your brush!
I love your gnome choir…the harmony will be perfect when the alto joins the group!
I’ve moved up to number 2 on the hold list for The Bee Sting and I hope it won’t be too long before it comes in for me!
I always adore your gnomes…and I think MUCH of the fun is their gnames! Such pure delight, they are.
Those gnomes are just so stinking cute! I hope you’ll show us a photo of your painting space and I wish you Happy Reading!
I’m sorry about the Unraveling but the gnomes are just darling. Some weeks are better for reading (or making) than others. And sometimes books just need to be read more slowly.