Greetings Unravelers and Happy Last Wednesday!
It feels good to be back in my routine… laundry is caught up (as you all know it is really never “done” lol) and we (in the ‘Burgh) are back in a week of summery weather. I am loving this “Second Summer” especially after the frosty Monday we had! However, this spate of warm weather is delaying the Bulb-o-rama that is this box…

I have bulbs for naturalization (daffodils and crocus), tulips (I love them so so much! I am hoping the deer won’t love them as much as I do though, lol), and some alliums to have another spring plant for the pollinators! I have my plan for planting and the forecast looks like once we get through the next 7-ish days, temps go back to more seasonably cooler temps… perfect for planting all these bulbs!
There was little to no making on my trek to Erie… by the time I sat down at the end of the day I was tired and the lighting was not fabulous so I barely knit any rows and only stitched two squares. But sometimes a break from making gives one a fresh perspective when you pick the making back up! I am one repeat, a toe, and a heel away from a new pair of socks! And I am forcing myself to finish my Pressed Flowers wrap after that is done. But I really, really, really want to knit something that is NOT MOSAIC KNITTING! My hope is that with this self-imposed knitting plan, I will be casting on something NEW soon!
The reading had only one highlight… Death Comes to Marlow (book 2 in the series). It was delightful! The other book I finished will not be a favorite (Old God’s Time) but ymmv. I am currently listening to The Running Grave (Cormoran Strike Book 7) and I am loving it as much as each previous installment! My evening read, The Underground Library, (a Netgalley book) is really not my cup of tea reading. History-lite-romance… is just all sorts of meh… trite… predictable. I have about 15% to go and yet it feels like it will never end! I kept hoping that it would get better but, thus far, it has not!
What about you all? What are you making and reading this week!
As always, if you wrote a post to share please leave your link below!
Your socks are beautiful and I’m sure your Pressed Flower wrap will be, too. I was a little surprised by the weather predictions for temperatures in the 70s this week, but I’ll be glad to hang my laundry out and open windows. I really don’t like it when NetGalley books are meh, but they can’t all be winners.
I just (finally) finished a NetGalley book I thought would never end (contrived, predictable, ugh), so I feel your pain. 😉 And you are a champ for forging ahead with All the Pressed Flowers! Your finished knits will be so worth all that mosaic knitting. As for your bulbs . . . what a bonanza!!!! Won’t your spring garden look marvelous! No critters will eat your daffodils – and they shouldn’t touch your allium. No bets on the tulpis or crocus, though . . . (I have given up on crocus — and it’s not the deer but the squirrels that decimate them in my garden.) Happy planting!
Your socks are so pretty!! What is it about AirBnB’s having poor lighting??? No Unraveled post from me this week (I have done no stitching or knitting) BUT…Mabel is HOME!!!! Post is up on my blog.
Your socks are looking so good, and it looks like you’ll need them by the weekend when fall weather returns! My knees hurt a bit looking at that big box of bulbs to be planted, but I am sure it will all be worth it when everything blooms next year. One of these years, I’ll decide what bulbs I want to plant and actually get around to it (I seem to focus on one improvement to my garden a year).
I finished Old God’s Time yesterday and share some of your thoughts. It was well written but just terribly sad.
That box of bulbs must have been fun to come home to! I got the balance of my bulbs in the ground, most in the sod and some in the beds. That $40 tool was a game changer, let me tell you. I don’t think I’ll ever plant another bulb without it!
Glad you’re home and resettled.
there are so many bulbs there that I don’t think the wilderness can find them all!! I will keep my fingers crossed for you 🙂 Glad you are home!!
That’s a big box of bulbs! Spring Me is always far more enthusiastic about planting bulbs than Fall Me so I wish you all the good thoughts for getting it down when the temps return to more seasonable ones.
I echo Kym’s comment. One of the people in my knitting group is a master gardener, and yesterday she gave us a brief presentation on bulbs. Daffs and allium are to deer/rabbits/squirrels as liver is to many humans — yuk. Bur tulips are tasty treats. You could try putting a clove of garlic in the hole with each bulb. That (supposedly) keeps the small critters from digging them up. In the spring, try wolf urine. (Ew.)
The bulb bonanza will pay big dividends next Spring. I have trouble with squirrels digging up and either rooting around or gnawing on them. I bet your knitting plan will pay off and you’ll be casting on a new project soon.
Those socks are lovely!