It has been a topsy-turvy week here… we went from having temps in the teens on Sunday… to this morning an unbelievable 63°F. It smells like spring outside… and the birds must be thinking so as well because there was so much singing as Sherman and I trekked out this morning. The best thing might have been CLEAR SKIES!!! Those clear skies afforded me a glance at a Wolf Moon that was slowly setting.
So with a topsy-turvy week, my thoughts are sort of topsy-turvy as well… but an every once in a while you just need a good Friday brain dump, right?

Wolf Moon in pink skies…
Re-thinking —
This week Bonny posted about The Barbie Movie… which I have not seen. Then Kym sent some more encouragement my way about how I just might enjoy it… because it is fun! And then the icing on the cake came this week with the Oscar nominations… of course Ken was nominated… Which seems to me to highlight life for women… we do all the hard work, make all the things happen (and generally on time) and our reward is… no notice at all. So, this weekend I will be tucking in with my Great Cabled Sweater and watching The Barbie Movie with thoughts of solidarity for women everywhere.
Impetus (reignited) —
Speaking of that Great Cabled Sweater… well, I fanned the flames on it a bit yesterday and cruised through the button holes and made a LARGE dent in the shawl collar… I have a few repeats of increases and then a tiny bit of straight knitting before arriving at the Short Rows Portion of the collar. I am thinking the other band will go much quicker as I won’t have to make button holes… and I am thinking that The Great Seaming will happen in early February!
(a mighty) FINE (sewer) —
One of you asked earlier this week what I was going to do with my “pages” when I am finished sewing them. When I went to pull fabrics for this 100-day journey… I stumbled across all sorts of bits of fabrics from things I had sewn for Heidi’s kids… things that no longer fit (as happens with growing children) and I thought that putting them all together for her in a sort of a memory book would be special to her. Page one turned out so well… and page two is looking mighty fine as well (of course, I am biased) but I think it fits for Heidi’s “farm!” I am having so much fun with this project… most especially the timeframe… 15 minutes a day. It is a wonder what you can accomplish in just 15 minutes.

Days One and Two… and I think you can see my faint pencil lines of where I am heading later today…
Finding (answers) —
There has been a mystery that has puzzled me for a few months now… at first I thought it was a “one off” and the toilet paper scoring machine was having a moment. But then the next package had more of the same strange scoring on the TP… waves… ripples… not straight. (And honestly, I thought it was because we bought our TP at the Costco… so I thought they might be getting the “imperfect” lots.) But no… that is not the case at all! Leave it to Slate to uncover the toilet paper perforation mystery!
And there you have it… I am itching to get back outside in this unbelievable January April weather! See you all back here on Monday!
Oh how I wish we had clear skies!! It’s just 45 here and still grey (and damp). We had rain and wind during the night (guess who was not asleep?). My computer says that temps will be dropping – so get out while you can and enjoy the “warmth.” Your stitching is so fun Kat. I’m so glad you are sharing it with us. Happy Weekend!!
The Tp mystery is a great laugh to start weekend off. I sent the article to my Zoom Knitting group for the opening topic. Solving these kinds of mysterys is very important to us, thanks for the clarification.
The warm front must not have traveled too far eastward as we’ve got gray and rainy skies and 42 degrees. But I’m glad you get to see some sun! Your stitching is even better now that you’ve shared the story behind it. I think Heidi will love it, and I know I enjoy seeing it. I got some of that new wavy line Charmin and it said something about “easy-tear” on the label. It is nice toilet paper and now I’m even more appreciative after reading that it took five years and 30 patents!
I think I’ll be thinking of you ever time I tear my TP today!! (We are happy with the Kirkland brand…but I just might have to pick up a roll of Charmin.)
What a wonderful idea for your stitchbook! A different take on the memory quilt. I like it. Love it. And what a beautiful gift to Heidi.
Happy weekend to you — and Sherman!
That little barn is adorable.
Yeah …. fancy scalloped toilet paper. Supposedly it tears cleaner. I saw it in an ad. I really didn’t know this was a problem. LOL
Huzzah for progress towards The Great Seaming! I look forward to pics!
It truly does feel like spring out there today! I was actually a bit warm in nothing but a long-sleeved tee and leggings on my run today, and I’m enjoying it while it lasts. I noticed the increase in birdsong yesterday, and I even spotted my first snowdrop! Knowing what the date is and where we live, I’m sure there’s a lot more winter yet to come our way.
I have to say that I had not heard about the TP perforation mystery (the stuff I use is thin and mostly just tears wherever), but that is fascinating!
Really love where your stitching is going — it’s going to be such a treasure for Heidi.
Just look at your moonset . So pretty. Good luck with the jumper. I am having a big push on mine this weekend .
The temps here have been bouncing around, too, but it’s still grey and rainy. That’s a really fun way to make a memory book! The moon looked like that here, too, which was a big surprise because it had been cloudy here; I was happy to see it because it didn’t stick around long. The clouds came back!
A memory book for your daughter out of the stitching sounds absolutely lovely. This page is very sweet. Our temps are on a steady upward trend for the next week. I walked in a balmy 40 degrees under a bright sunny sky. That was just what I needed.
I feel like I haven’t seen the sun in weeks, I’m glad you aren’t having the same experience! I hope you enjoyed Barbie, I thought it was terrific.
love love love the barn stitching!! so cute.