Is it just me or is May just flying by? It sure feels that way to me… and I have really focused on slowly savoring the days!

So perhaps a bit of a celebration of what May has brought to my life this year….

It’s a Bud-o-rama!

Starting with my poppy… it is unbelievable this year! My single plant is loaded with dozens of buds with more appearing each day! It is also pacing itself on blooming… only 5 or 6 new poppies open every day. We have been lucky with cooler days but we have also had an abundance of rain (which is not a friend to the fragile poppy blossoms!) But I am so happy with the gradual opening and that each day there are some magnificent new blooms. I am savoring and celebrating them while they last!

I love their fragile, fleeting beauty!

Next up on my May celebration is the lavender plant which last fall I thought for sure was on its last legs… well, a mild winter must have been the exact CPR needed because this spring it is suddenly enormous and so heavy with buds… I am very much looking forward to this blooming! (as will the bees!)

We have some ancient weigela bushes on the east side of our house and some years the blooms are few… not this year, the branches are weighed down with the volume of flowers! Hummers love this… so on my list this morning is to finish opening the porch so I can sit in the morning with my coffee and savor those hummer visits!

My porch is a riot of dark pink!

I had huge success with the first allium bulbs that I planted last fall and second wave of bulbs is on the precipice of blooms! These are much more tender and fragile looking than the first alliums. I have no idea what kind of alliums they are, sorry. I will have a better idea when these tender buds open!

I am so excited for these alliums!

Some weeks ago I shared a recipe for sourdough crackers… my first attempt was an epic failure (entirely my error!) the recipe clearly states the need for an offset spatula to spread the dough. Well, I forged ahead with just a plain spatula… and my outcome showed clearly how necessary an offset spatula was – the crackers never achieved cracker status… rather gummy, chewy, unappealing lumps of seasoned dough. Once I got home from Erie, I ordered an offset spatula and tried again… I am happy to announce that my second attempt was a HUGE SUCCESS!! (However, I might have now put myself off “store bought” crackers, lol) My second try was with Za’tar added in… oh yum! There will be LOTS more of these in my future… the recipe is super easy if you use the right tools, lol!

These crackers were the perfect addition to tomatoes and mozzarella! (they were also excellent on my Friday Happy Hour Board!)

Finally… slowly but surely the pages of my 100 Day Project are coming together! It should all be together this week! I have a tiny hurdle about how to make the front and back covers work, but I am hoping that by putting them together some light will shine at the end of the tunnel… stay tuned!

Happy Monday all… I hope you all have things to celebrate today as well! See you all back here on Wednesday!

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