Greetings Unravelers and Happy Wednesday!

This is the last Wednesday of June… so let’s have a moment of silence… sigh.

Last week also ushered in the Great AC Temperature Wars at my house. I now am wearing a wool sweater and socks IN THE FREAKING HOUSE. And yet, Steve thinks it is TOO WARM. I am not sure we will survive this summer if the temps continue on in the 90°+F range. Monday, he headed off to work and I turned off the AC and opened all the windows. It was pure bliss. Bare, sock-less feet and a t-shirt for me! (until he got home from work and flipped out at how warm it was in the house… 72° for those wanting to know…)

I am knitting though… and Unravelers… we have DIVISION! Yes, that is right, the fronts, sides, and backs have been separated! I had to knit 5 and 1/2 repeats of the charted pattern to get to the length, which is 1.5 more repeats than Albíona needed at her gauge. Luckily, she gives measurements for every  possible angle of the pattern, so I think I will be okay. My only concern is the shoulder angle/decreases… but I am a long way from that, so I have some time to work it out in my brain!

I set myself a goal of getting to the “split” and I have moved back to Steve’s sock. My goal is to get this done this month… and I think I can do it if I put my mind to it! (and the cuff and short leg were completed last night so finishing this week just might be possible!)

The reading this week has been lovely! I got a hold from the library for a book with the most intriguing title, Hard by a Great Forest by Leo Vardiashvili. I put my current read (a Netgalley book) on pause while I got started on this book. I am loving it… and maybe even more so after hearing an interview with the author on NPR’s Book of the Day podcast! I am just over half way done and expect to finish this one soon! In the most timely read… I finished Summer Solstice: An Essay last Thursday! I wish there were more essays, they were delightful! I have put this book on my “wish list” with the hopes of having it in my library to reread as necessary (the writing is really so beautiful!). I have also set a reminder for myself to read Winter Solstice: An Essay in December… and if the 90°+ days aren’t enough to make me think about winter, this book does! Ha! (also… I am still listening to and loving 4 3 2 1… perhaps loving it even more than the first time I read it!)

And with that, I have a sock to knit! If you wrote a post to share on this last Wednesday of June please leave your link below!

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