Greetings dear Unraveler’s and Happy Wednesday!
I rediscovered knitting and have something to show for it! Yes, I have a finished back and a healthy start on the right front… The end is in sight! I have such little bits to go on this sweater! I will absolutely have a new sweater for fall! Yay!
I also have given that shortie sock some love… I am currently at the “mindless knitting” phase of the foot! I did her heel as per the directions and I very much like how it turned out! (and the fit is good with no alterations, I am going to remember her trick of borrowing a few stitches from the arch to give the heel a bit more space!)
The weather is just reached the “most miserable” stage of the summer, which usually is August… now. Our AC runs a lot! (Steve told me what the electric bill was last and I almost died! I shudder to think what it will be next month!)
But the star this week has been the reading! I will likely finish A Gentleman in Moscow today… this book lost nothing in a second reading. I love it as much, if not more than I did the first time through! I also finished (twice… yes twice!) Clear. I loved it. The writing is sparse, but so beautiful. I really did not want the book to end, so I read it again! This is a book that will stay with me for a very long time post-reading. I also finished book seven in the Max Tudor series… I have enjoyed this charming little series and this installment was very good and I did not figure it out until near the end… which is always a very good thing! And I also finished the Ministry of Time yesterday… and I am hoping I took good notes because I have no plans to read this again before the RWU discussion in September. (If you are guessing I did not like it, you’d be right. And even worse… so many of my questions were not answered in the book! Sigh.)
Finally… there has been so many posts about the NYTime’s “The 100 Best Books of the 21st Century” all over social media. (I find their list of 100 missing some very important things… but as in all things my 100 best books would not be your 100 best books, but we are reading and that is a very good thing!) Here is my list of the 29 books I read (from their list) and the 6 I have added to my TBR list!
How about you? Are you surviving summer?
As always, if you wrote a post to share please leave your link below and thank you!
Ugh to this weather! It is just so oppressive. BUT, your sweater and sock are progressing so nicely. I am also working on a shortie sock. Reading has been good and I have some books waiting for me that I have been highly anticipating!
Your sweater is growing and along with your socks, your knitting is lovely. It takes fortitude to knit in this weather, but maybe the sweater is keeping you warm if your ac is on “Steve setting”. I’m glad that most of your reading was good because that might help make up for MoT. It might not have been a good idea for us to choose a book that none of us had read yet. 🙁
MoT might not have been one of my favorite books ever, but I think there is so so so much to discuss about this book! (And maybe our discussion will answer my unanswered questions!!)
Look at all that lovely sweater knitting! Here’s hoping you don’t have to wait too long for the weather to cool off enough to wear it when it’s done (I’m keeping my fingers crossed we get some good rain today to help with the humidity).
We share a lot of the same reads from the NYT list. I have a lot of the same criticisms of the list that many others do, but it was at least a good spark for conversation.
Well. I actually liked (not loved) Ministry of Time. I usually don’t care much for time-travel tales because they tend to be messy and weird. And this one was that. But. It was fun and clever and something a little bit different; a book that shouldn’t be taken too seriously, I’m thinking. (And . . . the best book group discussions are those when not everyone feels the same way about a book!) So glad you’re finding your way back to your knitting, Kat! (Maybe that will happen for me someday soon . . . ) (PS… I’ve read 50 books on the NYT list. And I only noted one that I’d like to read. Lists like that are . . . so limited. They really do make me bonkers.)
Your soon-to-be sweater is gorgeous! The patience to do those 100s of cables is enviable. Re: books I read 21 from the list and was so proud of myself. Your 29 is awesome!
my AC is running so much at night it’s ridiculous but I am ever so grateful to have it. Love the colors in the photo, so complimentary. My reading has been good as well!
I think the NY Times list is pretty flawed and I don’t understand the #1 title AT ALL. I submitted the 10 books I would have chosen to them, we’ll see if any of mine make the expanded list after they tally everyone’s choices. Sorry about Ministry of Time but I agree that there is a lot to discuss.
Look at that sweater. The texture and color are wonderful together. I look forward to reading Clear. A book that is so nice you read it twice sounds like a recommendation. Me enthusiasm for summer is starting to wane. I do like all the fresh fruits and veggies though.
I must look out for the NYTimes book list – of your list I’ve read two. One (small thing like this) I thoroughly enjoyed, the other (life after life) not so. But then isn’t it a good thing we don’t all like the same. Life would be pretty boring.
Your red sweater is looking more ‘dramatic’ each time we see it. So much to look at in the stitch combinations. Knit this here and that there and make sure this goes over them al. Such a clever design.
Book lists like that can be interesting, can’t they? Sometimes you feel like a real bookworm, because you’ve read so many of the titles. I don’t suppose you need to add to your TBR shelf though!
Your sweater and socks are SO PRETTY!!! Can you share which yarn you used for each? Very, very lovely. 🙂