August rain: the best of the summer gone, and the new fall not yet born. The odd uneven time. — Sylvia Plath

Hello August and Hello Gentle Readers!

It is my hope that August holds some (more) rain this month…we’ve had some but we need quite a bit more in my neighborhood!

Welcome to the last full month of summer. The month where the tomato plants are supposed to explode with an abundance of fruit. Mine? Well… there will be some cherry tomatoes… though likely not enough to share and my big tomato plants were a bust this year. Not a single tomato blossom ever appeared. So a less than stellar summer for tomatoes.

So what can an August without tomatoes hold for me?

Some poetry for what ails me!


Well… thank goodness for poetry. I am reading poetry every day (especially poets who understand grief… Ada Limón and Ocean Vuong, I am loving my time with you!) The Sealey Challenge talks about reading one book of poetry a day… and some days I might read an entire little book of poetry. But most days, I have found that just sitting and lingering with a few poems are my sweet spot. (For my fellow Rilke lovers… Mark Burrows has a new translation of Rilke’s Sonnets to Orpheus)

A deeper dive into Time, thanks to the latest Emergence Magazine publication! It is chock full of good things!

To fuel my creative soul… I signed up for a MDK class with Cecelia Campochiaro. I have my “kit” and I am itching to begin “micro-swatching” with a color way kit that channels Carole… The Dahlia Color Set:

I love these colors and I am really excited to see how they marl!

There you have my hopes for August… what about you? What do you hope this month holds for you?

Header photo by Fauzan Fitria who had the perfect image for today’s date!

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