I don’t know about all of you, but I did not at all realize how heavy the weight of uncertainty was until JOY showed up on July 21, 2024.

Now, don’t get me wrong… I was 100% voting for President Biden in November and I believed that he would continue on, working tirelessly for all of us. But there was still that constant weight of uncertainty pressing me down.

Since then, each day the JOY has increased. Dramatically. There are times when the joy so overwhelms me that it leaks out of my eyes unexpectedly.

I did not know that joy could be so cleansing. So inspiring. So uplifting. So CONTAGIOUS! Because I am seeing a lot of JOYFUL faces in the places I go… yes, more smiles at the grocers… more smiles at the post office… more smiles at Joanns! The UPS man!! It seems that JOY is taking hold all over!

I know that all this joy is great, but what if we all just float along on the Sea of Joy and think life is grand and that it is so good that maybe our vote is not necessary… well, that Sea of Joy needs to bring on a TSUNAMI of votes!

Jane mentioned Vote Forward a few days ago and I began doing some research. I very much like what I found… the commitment is very doable… and it is NON-PARTISAN! Can I send a letter to some people sharing why I vote? Why, yes I can! Voting is the one thing that I believe most strongly about… it is our voice in what is happening… from the local boards to the national offices… my vote counts! And when everyone votes… well that is the absolute best way that we can participate in the sometimes messy thing that democracy is. When. We. All. Vote. So yes, I am committed to sending some letters to fellow citizens between now and Election Day.

Perhaps you all are looking for some way to be involved…. Vote Forward might be it!

Now, I am off to bask in the abundance of JOY that is everywhere! Happy Friday all! See you all back here on Monday!

Photo above by Matthias Zomer 

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