Greetings dearest Unravelers and Happy Wednesday!!

A break from knitting can do a body good! I came home from vacation with a fire inside me to get that lingering gnome finished! I still had miles… and miles… and miles to go on the body. This is one HUGE gnome. This will be the largest gnome in my collection… Confession time, he is not my favorite… not even close. I have thought about a story for him… and I got nothing! I found his “legs/socks” to be the fiddliest damned things ever…and that is saying something for a seasoned gnome knitter! I am hoping to get that last “leg” finished so that I can get him assembled! My hope is that as I assemble him, he will begin speaking to me… stay tuned.

Because of the Gnome Fire… no other knitting was done. But I did manage stitching… and while I have not yet assembled my “next page” I have the fabrics all ready to go and I am very excited about my “sunset – moonrise” pages!

I really love the “woven stitching” page! I am currently debating with myself on blank space, or do some stitching in that empty line….

Similarly, I have done little reading while on vacation. Steve is NOT a reader and he hates, hates, hates me reading when he is “around” (because apparently, my job is to keep him entertained… lmao) I did however, sneak in some “covert listening” time thanks to my hearing aids. I finished two books since we last met, Tana French’s latest, The Hunter and Colm Tóibín’s Long Island. I confess, I did not do much “before bed” reading because by the end of the day I was exhausted and ready to sleep so I am still reading Ali Smith’s soon-to-be-published, Gliff but I am so close to finishing it (and might have finished it by the time you are reading this!)

A bit of housekeeping for the remainder of the week… if I can manage to sit down and get a post done for Friday, I will try… but if I am not here, do not despair! We head off to pick up the puppy Friday morning… we have a good bit of a drive to do to get him to turn around and head back home… it will take us most of the day. But I will, for sure, introduce you all to our new pup on Monday!

That’s it for me today… what about you? What has perked to the top of your making pile? Also… what are you reading right now that I should read?

If you wrote a post to share this week, please leave your link below and thank you!

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