I live my life in widening circles that reach out across the world.
Rainer Maria Rilke, Rilke’s Book of Hours: Love Poems to God

Greetings dearest Unravelers and Happy Rilke’s Birthday! That’s right, 149 years ago my beloved Rilke was born! His wisdom and poetry have stood well to time. I find him so very relevant to my life… he reminds me that in the bad times… keep going, because they won’t last forever. I have been reading Rilke a lot recently and of all of the “quotes” I have written down or underlined and saved… this quote is my favorite. And it works so well for today for all of us Unravelers! I feel like this corner of the internet has reached out to the best parts of the world. I am so very glad that our circles have touched as we share what we are making, what books we are reading, and perhaps even the tiniest glimpse into our lives.

I have begun the slow making of December and it makes me happy. Yesterday, after Franklin’s shot, I was able to get my yarn wound and I even could get cast on and knit a few rows! I don’t think I have given anything away with my knitting either… but I have roughly 20 more rows to go to finish the first clue.

The other thing I must do this month is to do a bit of catch up on stitching. I have November’s stitching to finish as well as my Autumn stitch book. I began re-watching Wolf Hall Monday night in preparation for The Mirror and The Light coming next March! I will use this time to sit and stitch. After dinner Frankie is more than ready for bed… so he loves to curl up next to me on the sofa and sleep… completely uninterested in anything I am doing. The perfect catch up stitch time! Ha!

I managed to finish two books since we last spoke! I listened to Richard Osman’s new novel, We Solve Murders. It is read by Nicola Walker… and she is magnificent! The book was not bad either! I liked how the mystery unfolded (who is Francois Lubet?? And all my guesses were wrong!) and I really like the new mystery solving duo… Steve and Amy Wheeler! I am eagerly awaiting more books in this series! It is fun… there are some very current things utilized in this mystery!

I also finished The Serviceberry… the extended version… by Robin Wall Kimmerer. I had first listened to the serviceberry essay on Emergence Magazine. I loved this extended version and RWK pokes at the “consumer society” in good ways. (I really feel like I need to watch “Buy Now! The Shopping Conspiracy” on Netflix… it feels like it would be a good companion to what RWK is trying to tell us in The Serviceberry.) I listened to RWK read it and I highly recommend consuming it that way!

That is my sum total since we last met! What about you? What are you working on… or trying to work on?!

As always, if you wrote a post to share please leave your link below and thank you!

Two post scripts for you:

  1. There is a Rilke talk this Sunday, December 8, online. Hosted by Mark S. Burrows with Pádraig Ó Tuama and Krista Tippet. You can find all the details here. (and it is free!)
  2. And… three weeks from today is Christmas. You are welcome.

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