Brings a reprieve!

That’s right… temps the next few days are heading into the mild 50’s! And that means that I can get all my hyacinth bulbs tucked away for the winter AND I can get the holiday lights up outside! It is even raining, so those bulbs will get a nice drink for their long winter nap!

It was a delightful weekend… I have all kinds of inspiration from Felix Ford’s BuJo Class on Friday! I am energized about pulling together all the information to begin my 2025 journal with a 2024 recap… successes, struggles, books read… especially books I loved! I had been feeling like 2024 was kind of a meh year… but in looking back, it was not.

Added to my weekend joy was the Rilke discussion last night. My heart is full to bursting… and with Rilke I will lean into the grieving that held space in 2024. I also have a few new Rilke titles I want to purchase for my library.

And for all you who asked for more of a certain Franklin Delano Pug on the blog… I wanted to start your Monday off with an influx of Frankie-ness!

Why, yes… I do actually need all the toys at once!

Being a very good boy is such hard work!

And with that… Let Monday Begin! See you all back here on Wednesday!

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