I am taking a page from Kym and will be occasionally sharing the hope I find in my days with you all… perhaps my hope will inspire your hope as Kym’s hope has certainly inspired mine!

Everything that is done in the world is done by hope. — Martin Luther

This morning’s 15°F felt downright balmy in comparison to this week’s bitterly cold temps and I felt hope. And that bit of hope increased as Frankie and I observed the tiniest beginnings of light in the east… yes, that light is returning and the lengthening days are noticeable as January winds down.

We have had snow cover that stayed on the ground since the beginning of the month! That snow cover increases my hope because even though it makes walking Frankie multiple times a day a bit more challenging… I loved the hushed quality that a snow covered neighborhood has and the crunching of the snow as I walk… normal winter things! And let’s face it… I love wearing woolly socks and sweaters and hats and mittens! Knitting is the penultimate thing of hope!

So is gardening and as I look out at my snow covered yard and think about the bulbs that are tucked away under that snowy cover… and I have hope!

And as you can see… Inside my house is not without hope either! A couple of weeks ago my littlest Christmas Cactus began to sprout a flower bud! And the bigger cactus seemed to jump on the bandwagon and sprout all sorts of buds! Hope is a thing with… petals! Those delicate little pale pink blooms have given me lots of hope!

Hope also comes with a pup that for several weeks now has been sleeping entirely through the night. I worried that post surgery this trend would revert to a middle of the night potty run… but nope, sleeping through the night has continued! Hope is much more hopeful with a good nights sleep!

And there you have some glimpses of hope in my January days. Have a great weekend everyone and I will see you back here on Monday with the link up for our word updates!


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