Welcome to all of you who are focusing on a word for the year… I hope that your January start helped your settle your feet on the path of your year and even it the path is bumpy now, I know it will smooth out soon! The link up is at the bottom of this post!

January with a new word is always my favorite month of the journey! It is normally a time that I spend looking up definitions of my word and learning about the basics of my word. I also make a bit of a list based on those definitions of where I’d like to go with my word … yes, my ideas of where the word and I will go. Please note, this is generally NOT where the word takes me, but in my nature to control the narrative… I do try.


There is no definition for Yutori in the English language so my beginning was bumpy right from the start. I did, however, find a “definition” on the inter webs:

yu • to • ri (noun) The conscious act of slowing down to allow me to savor the world around me. The refusal to rush. No talking(!!) Just absorbing the world around me with no goal except to look and (most importantly for me) to listen. 

Then I wrote down a list of Yutori Ideas that flowed from this rough definition. Things I wanted to explore, try on, perfect… sort of.

The biggest “aha” for me from this list was this:

Stepping away from the urge to multitask.

Yeah… that is a thing I do all.the.time. My life is one long multitask. I am not sure multitasking is a thing I should be proud of and this year, I plan to find out how it feels to NOT multitask anything! To savor a task… for the task itself.

Second to stepping away from multitasking is for me to find comfort in silence. I don’t need “a background noise” all the time… but I always have “a noise” going to fill the silence. Case in point… I can’t just sit and knit quietly, I need to either listen to an audiobook or watch television. Why? I don’t know… perhaps this habit is the result of needing a sound to “drown out” my tinnitus. However, with my hearing aids in, I do not notice the tinnitus at all… so the need for noise is not tied to that.

However, I noted that I do not listen to or watch anything when I am stitching. The stitching is the one activity that my entire brain is engaged with… I can’t listen and remember what I listened to when I stitch. And I love the silence of those minutes of stitching.

My list has a few other things, but my biggest takeaways were these two items. If I can conquer them… I will have achieved something big!

January… it’s a tremulous start, but I will take it!

What about you? How did your January go… was your start rough? Or smooth?

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