February is the border between winter and spring. — Terri Guillemets
And that border became very visible in my backyard over the weekend! Why you ask? Well, those daffodil bulbs I planted 2 years ago… colossally huge daffs… are poking leaves through the dirt and well-decayed mulch! Likewise, the allium’s that the rabbits love have also poked some green shoots up… only to be nibbled by said rabbits. Sigh.
Yes, Welcome February!!
However, my much wiser and less eager snowdrops have yet to poke their wee little leaves through the myrtle that holds them safe.
I have a short-ish list this month… apt for a short-ish month (that I am hoping does not feel as long as January felt!!)
- Clean out the refrigerator… sigh.
- I will cross off “Visit my doctor” today! However, I think this appointment will trigger a couple of additional appointments. Sigh. But, ignoring problems does not make them go away… so yes, I am putting my “big girl panties on” this morning and doing a bit of adulting.
- And, if things one and two were not enough… I would like to get our taxes done this month. (perhaps while there is still a somewhat functional IRS)
I figure that with this line up I won’t have much spare time to stress over what chaos the Orange Ogre unleashes this month…. and perhaps that is a good thing.
I sincerely hope that your February does not include any problematic things… and it is a month of sunshine, roses, and chocolates for you all!
Happy Monday, see you all back here on Wednesday!!
I hope your doctor appointment goes well! February is such a fast month for me and I’m glad it’s here because it leads to a spring month.
Best wishes for a good doctor’s appointment today – hope all goes well. Colin saw daffodil shoots on one of his walks…I looked where we have them planted but nothing is up yet (and we had snow last evening…). Thanks for the frig reminder – I definitely need to do that. And taxes, I need to make an appointment with our accountant, but we have not gotten everything we need yet.
Maybe cleaning my refrigerator will occupy me for some time, too. And then there’s my stash that needs a good cleanout, culling, and organization. I haven’t seen any snowdrops or daffodils but hope yours sprout and blossom with out any wildlife nibbling on them. I hope today’s adulting isn’t too onerous.
Sending good juju for the doctor’s visit and feeling proud of you for taking care of this particular part of adulting. It’s still too early here for anything to grow but hopefully by the end of the month that will change!
I saw snowdrops over the weekend in my neighborhood, and I saw a few green shoots poking when I went for my walk this morning. I know we have a while yet before we reach spring, but maybe we’re past the worst of the winter? One can hope!
Good luck at your doctor’s appointment. They are one of life’s annoyances, but it’s much better to go for those regular check-ups than to have to go see a doctor for something urgent.
I hope the doctor’s appointment goes well. I have one coming up in a week or so as ignoring things doesn’t make them go away. Darn it anyway. I haven’t seen any bulbs coming up here but then again I haven’t looked too closely. Here’s to a February that isn’t as long as January.
I’m so glad those daffs are coming up! I remember when you planted them ♥