I know I said I would not likely be back this week… but here I am with what I hope will provide something’s calming… something’s perfectly distracting… something’s maybe to get you over the hump of angst that is flowing through the air.
I listened to these podcasts this week and they were all amazing… and they have a common theme: poetry.
First up, a conversation between Emanuel Vaughn-Lee and Jane Hirshfield. It is wonderful… Jane wrote a poem for the Time edition (and it is brilliant, of course!) and listening to her made me love her even more than I already did. She is the perfect calming factor!
It has been a good week… I got my “fall jabs” at Rite Aid on Wednesday and yesterday I was feeling it. I reminded myself that my feeling “icky” meant that my body was working hard on building new fighter t-cells and this morning I was feeling back to normal (outside my “jabbed” arm but that too shall pass soon!)
This week I have just a couple things to share (sorry, I really haven’t been paying much attention to the internet much these days.)
Steve was all excited about sharing something on Netflix with me yesterday. This is a real rarity… he does not like to watch television much at all. But as I watched the trailer yesterday with him, I felt a bit of hope flickering inside me. Perhaps Will Farrell and Harper Steele are just the people we need…
And, while I have mentioned Makers for Kamala before, I want to share it again. I follow many of the makers involved on social media and I know they are hoping to hit the 10k mark… I don’t know how far they are from it. But if ever there was a moment to get involved in an election… this is it. You will find the link here to sign up… you have nothing to lose and we have everything to gain! (And where you find a gathering of makers… you know we are not going back!!)
That is it from me this week! See you all back here on Monday!
How are you doing on savoring your June days? I want to tell you that the portable “desk” is perfection for porch sitting… sunshine and rain. Yes, we had some rain yesterday morning and the sound of the gentle rain as I sipped my coffee was the best way to start my day!
I have a few things to share with you all today… things that are getting me through some of the onslaught of nonsense that is everywhere. It can be a more than a bit overwhelming, no?
Breathing with the Forest might be the most brilliant thing ever. I have saved it and have revisited it a bunch of times! I hope you find it as calming as I do!
Speaking of Emergence Magazine… their podcast episode this week was also brilliant (and so timely!) I have listened once, but I saved it to listen again. Yes, it is all about time… but I think you might find a few somethings good as well!
The last podcast that crossed my radar some months ago (I think Kareem mentioned it) is Heather Cox Richardson’s Letters from an American. In ten-ish minutes she gives me something to think about. Maybe you need something to think about too!
Finally, the divine Leila Raven dropped a new pattern book this week. I have been oogling them on IG and I am using them as my motivation to finish the current sweater…must.knit.faster!!
I am still on fire from Joe’s speech last night… it was so so good! Yes, I stayed up past my bedtime to watch the entire thing! (My favorite moment… Joe putting SCOTUS on notice! LOL The Best!!)
But there were some “finds” this week that have been tumbling around my head!
First, Helen’s Closet new Nelson Pants! I thought they were so cute, but then I saw Helen on IG and they have become an obsession!
Next, there is a new Mystery Gnome coming… and I can’t wait! (Good thing I have a Valkyrie to bide my time with! Cast on will be happening this afternoon!)
Finally, this popped up in my email this week and I am very intrigued! My plan is to give them a try this weekend! I will report back next week as to how they come out!
So today I am sharing some things that have helped me move forward this month. Things that have helped the hope within me increase. Hope that I have made a point of sharing.
It is my wish that you will find something that lifts you… perhaps even in these things I share:
First up… thank the gods for librarians, but most especially for Mychal (You should absolutely follow him… he is a highlight of every day!)l:
Next up is Levi... or perhaps my love is really for Levi’s dad… I don’t know, but gosh does Levi eat well!! If there is reincarnation, I would like to come back as a sibling of Levi please!
Finally, I have tried chai numerous times in my life and it has always been just too sweet nor am I a person who “googles” tea… ever. So I found it funny that Chai Ads began showing up on the Meta™ platforms… One in particular kept showing up on the regular and it piqued my interest. So I broke down and bought some… and WOW! And I mean WOW! If you, like me, are not a chai fan but wondered what good chai might taste like… wonder no more. The Kolkata Chai Co delivers! It has all the amazing flavors and none of the über sweetness that other chais have. And it is so good with oat milk. It is my new afternoon cuppa…
My hope for you is that you find somethings this weekend that lifts you in unexpected ways. See you all back here on Monday with my word update.
Friends, we have reached the halfway point of September. I know, it makes me sad too!
I have some finds to share with you this week…so let’s get started!
First up, I really love Kym’s monthly activity share that she focuses on. I actually try and add them into my daily routine…sometimes successfully even! That’s right, I am very vested in my Squat-ember squatting and every time I engage in my daily squat I remind myself that this will make planting the plethora of bulbs the tiniest bit easier! That’s my story… and I am sticking to it (not that I think planting a plethora of bulbs will be easy… at all! HA!)
Anyways, this week NPR brought my attention back to Kym’s monthly activity focus with this intriguing article which led me down a very fascinating rabbit hole! I have been watching a little bit of Dan’s Live to 100: The Secrets of the Blue Zones on Netflix every evening and I have been enjoying it. (I especially love the gardening, the spending time on the floor, the eating… really, I think he talked to Kym before writing his book!) Anyways, if you are looking for something to watch instead of sports, I recommend this (you can watch an episode on the floor… easily! They are short and packed full of fun things!)
Some months ago I signed up for Ailbíona McLochlainn’s newsletter, Nuacht Cniotála (Knitting News) and have discovered a delightful peek into life in Ireland in a small making community. She lives on the Inishowen Peninsula and I am in love with everything she shares. If you are looking for knitting news that is not all knitting, not all selling… you might like to sign up for her newsletter as well. The peek into her community is delightful!
Recently, I also signed up for Ellen Bass‘ newsletter… and this week the first one showed up in my inbox! It is packed full of goodies… one of which is that she highlights poetry from her students. This one caught my attention… I don’t know about you, but I have had several classmates who have walked hiked the Camino de Santiago… and it was an undertaking! This little book of poetry sounds like a good way to experience it… without making the trek!!
And there you have my recent finds! Have a fantastic weekend and I will see you all back here next week!