A Gathering of Poetry | November 2023

A Gathering of Poetry | November 2023

I read poetry every day… often by random authors as I page through a poetry anthology. But lately, I have been focused on one spectacular poet, Naomi Shihab Nye. I am fortunate that my library has LOTS of her books!

Today, with no explanation… one amazing poem by Ms. Nye.

I Feel Sorry for Jesus

by Naomi Shihab Nye

People won’t leave Him alone.
I know He said, wherever two or more
are gathered in my name…
but I’ll bet some days He regrets it.

Cozily they tell you what He wants
and doesn’t want
as if they just got an email.
Remember “Telephone,” that pass-it-on game

where the message changed dramatically
by the time it rounded the circle?
People blame terrible pieties on Jesus.

They want to be his special pet.
Jesus deserves better.
I think He’s been exhausted
for a very long time.

He went into the desert, friends.
He didn’t go into the pomp.
He didn’t go into
the golden chandeliers.

and say, the truth tastes better here.
See? I’m talking like I know.
It’s dangerous talking for Jesus.
You get carried away almost immediately.

I stood in the spot where He was born.
I closed my eyes where He died and didn’t die.
Every twist of the Via Dolorosa
was written on my skin.

And that makes me feel like being silent
for Him, you know? A secret pouch
of listening. You won’t hear me
mention this again.

I Feel Sorry for Jesus from You & Yours, Poems by Naomi Shihab Nye © 2005 BOA Editions, Ltd. 

Thanks to Bonny for linking us all together! Stop and see what poetry is being shared today!

See you all here on Monday!

Unraveled Wednesday | 11.15.23

Unraveled Wednesday | 11.15.23

Greetings Unravelers!

It is mid-November and I don’t know about you, but I can’t believe that next week is Thanksgiving! This month is just flying by.

I did not plan on disappearing on Monday, but Sherman was not feeling his normal perky self. He has      another ear infection and was very out of sorts. But we have seen the vet and he is on some new medications which seems to be working… so fingers crossed for him, please!

What one can do when one has an under the weather pup is sit (with said pup) and knit… which I did! I have been on The Island of Cabled Sleeves… and it is delightful! I have one sleeve done and I have cast on its mate! Although Sleeve One will likely go faster, I don’t think Sleeve Two will take much more time. And my measurements… well, they are in the “good to go” category! I love a sweater with a good measurement schematic! It makes knitting a garment that will fit a much better prospect!

And I am not thinking about easing that sleeve cap in to the shoulder… yet. For now, I am just basking in the joy of knitting! The pattern + the yarn = Knitting Nirvana!

I also began spinning a bit of fun fiber… although this is a super wash and it is so slippery to draft! I don’t prefer to spin with super wash fibers because of that, but these colors are just so vibrant! I am advance planning for a January knit (socks if I have enough yardage… a hat otherwise!) Something bright for the time of the year when everything is dull and colorless!

The reading this week has been good as well. I finished the latest in The Thursday Murder Club Mystery… The Last Devil to Die. It was so good! This installment allowed us to get to know the Club characters a bit more… and the more I learn the more I like them! (My new favorite is Ibrahim!)

I also finished book two in the Max Tudor series… it was very good I just burned right through it! (It was a marvelous companion for planting bulbs, just saying!)

I feel like I am plodding along in Russo’s Straight Man… but it is just not clicking for me. I am about halfway through and contemplating giving it up. While it is excellent at putting me right to sleep at night, I have a couple of new Netgalley books that I am itching to start… and I think I just talked myself into bailing on Straight Man.

What about you all… what are you reading that is keeping you up at night?!

As always, if you wrote a post to share, please leave your link below and thank you!

The Trees have IT | 11.10.23

The Trees have IT | 11.10.23

I am not sure if there is a knitting designer I have come to love more than Sarah Schira… I have found hours of delight in knitting small things.

A not so wee Gnome Cottage.

And last year she released the pattern for a Gnome house… which of course needed trees. My first two trees sort of clung to the idea of natural trees… they are a fun knit (bottom up knitting, in case you are wondering) and no… the ending bit of I-cord is not meh knitting, but it is perfect for watching… oh say, Gold Rush with ones other half on a Saturday night.

One very Festive Tree!

But with my Choir Tree I released my some of my natural tree urges and used some left over Miss Babs Deep Sea Jelly Fish Yowza for those miles of I-cord. And I could not stop… this I-cord is LONG so I could wrap it and wrap it and wrap it and wrap it! And I love how the dk weight yarn really stands out!

Since I have broken out of the natural tree urge… I have been thinking about some different colored trees to “change seasons” with the Gnome Village in my hutch… Winter white and grey ones for the doldrums of winter, cherry blossom pink ones to usher in spring… and some glorious red, orange, and gold ones for fall!

Perhaps your mantle needs a tree or two this December… they are a quick knit! (and they are really NOT fiddly at all… even stitching down the I-cord! Or could you do trees sans I-cord!) They are the perfect stash buster (just like Gnomes!)

I will be back on Monday, have a great weekend everyone!

Unraveled Wednesday | 11.8.23

Unraveled Wednesday | 11.8.23

Greetings Unravelers!

On Monday, I promised a tale of some swatches… and a tale it is! I have four different swatches and all tell an entirely different story. (because, of course they do… right? LOL)

Swatch One

Swatch One… my plain old stockinette swatch…. I am off on stitch gauge by 1/2 a stitch and row gauge by 1 row. I might be worried about this except for I am *between sizes* and suggested ease – which means that I should knit the next size up…but more on this in the next swatch.

Swatch Two

Swatch Two… my first cable swatch. I knit one entire repeat of the chart and I am off significantly. Like an inch and a half off… as in my swatch is 1.5 inches larger than hers. This kind of horrified me. I washed the swatch and did not stretch it, I did not push it together, I just laid it flat and let it dry.

But… I think my problem is that I knit some garter rows to start, on each side, and before I bound off. I wondered if those garter stitches were preventing the purl stitches from snugging up nicely with their neighboring knits… as Swatch Three did (see below). So I spent Monday afternoon knitting another cable swatch, gave it a good soak, and let it try to measure again on Tuesday.

Swatch Three

Swatch Three… my ribbing swatch. I matched the pattern gauge PERFECTLY. (Okay, this is good because gaping ribbing is not what I am hoping for!) Note that I knit no garter borders… Yeah. My thought process on this was that ribbing won’t curl and likes to lay flat.

Swatch Four… on the bottom!

Swatch Four… Houston, we almost have lift off! I never imagined that some plain old garter could *eff* things up so drastically! As you can see… one of these things is not like the other! But my all important measurement tells me that I am closer to Emily’s gauge of 6.5 inches, but not exact. My swatch measures 6.75 inches. Sigh.

So after doing some monumental amounts of Knitty Maths on Tuesday… I have picked my cast on size… and with a good bit of trepidation, I cast on. I wish I felt more confident, but there you have it… I don’t think you are ever completely confident knitting a sweater in pieces that you hope will fit! I started a sleeve and will be verifying measurements as I go… fingers crossed!

Gnoah, on the right and Gnicodemus on the left!

But… despite all this Sweater Angst… I do have a wee little Gnoah, who similar to another Noah of Biblical fame, will be gathering up a few more wee little gnomes this month. Gnoah has been pestering me for a friend, so I present Gnicodemus! And not to worry, there will be some wee little girl gnomes as well… I have some brilliant ideas for new hair styles! Thankfully, I have this glorious pile of “yarn crayons” that I am going to use. And… there is no angst in gnome knitting ever!

The Choir can sing all the Christmas Gnome Songs around their Gnome Tree!

Also… The Choir has a TREE! Woo! I love it so much that I think I need a couple of smaller trees adorned with the same bright garland! FYI… Gnome Trees are also Angst-Free Knitting!

The reading this week has been so very good. I finished Horse and Téa Obreht’s new book, The Morningside. Two very different novels, each of which I really enjoyed! I have been listening to the next book in the Max Tudor Mystery series while I plant bulbs… it is a nice gardening companion! And at night I am settling in with Richard Russo’s Straight Man.

But! What about you all? What are you making and reading?

As always, if you wrote a post to share please leave your link below and thank you!

Hello, November | 2023

Hello, November | 2023

But there is always a November space after the leaves have fallen when she felt it was almost indecent to intrude on the woods…for their glory terrestrial had departed and their glory celestial of spirit and purity and whiteness had not yet come upon them. ― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Windy Poplars

I stumbled upon this quote quite be accident… and what a happy accident that was!

November… space… pause… a bit of a breath… between the glory of the leaves changing (they are pretty much done here now) and winter. I need these words to remind me to revel in the “indecent” beauty of bare trees, crunchy leaves to walk through, and sunny days when the sun feels impossibly warm… reminding me that I should seek joy in what is around me… and not wish for things gone.

I also had a wise comment on IG after I posted that photo on Saturday night… mourning the last sunset after that will happen after 6PM until next March. Sigh.

Dear eence1979 shared these words of wisdom:

“I enjoy the darkness of winter—tucking in, wearing all knits and resting. Of course, finishing WIPS and starting new WIPS. It’s the Life Cycle.”

Thank you so much… I have requested Katherine May’s Wintering from my library! It will be a good refresher of all that winter can hold!

So what, dear November, do I hope to accomplish as you race along….

  1. A tiny bit of Thanksgiving decorating! (I am pulling out a few of my favorites this morning!)
  2. Cast on my Great Sweater Knit …. most appropriate for NaKniSweMo, right? (I knit my swatches… yes plural. Oh my! They are gorgeous and my plan is to measure them today and (hopefully) cast on!
  3. Create a successful Sourdough Starter! I have a new “helper” and I started my starter yesterday! Send me all the good Sourdough Juju you can my way please!
  4. Knit more Gnoah’s! Yes, class on Friday was so fun (and I can knit a Gnoah in roughly 3 hours!) An army of Gnoah Ornaments will soon be emerging!
  5. Finally… get outside! Often! With L.M. Montgomery’s words in my head… and heart!

What about you? What are your hopes for November!

See you all back here on Wednesday with a Swatching Story!

Friday Finds | 11.3.23

Friday Finds | 11.3.23

It has been a very chilly week here in my corner of the Burgh… the frosts have come (as did one morning with a dusting of snow!) This weekend we are supposed to be a bit milder so I am hoping to get the remainder of my bulbs in. This is my first time planting any bulbs and confession time… I much prefer warmer weather to be in the garden!

I have just a few of things to share with you all this week.

First up, I saw this post on Threads and I think his idea of practicing getting up from the floor as a game is a good idea. I am adding this to my “November List” of things… maybe you should too!

Anne Lamott wrote a beautiful opinion piece on the idea of “borrowed time” in the WaPo this week. It has stayed with me all week and I wanted to share her (profound) words with you all as well so I am gifting you the article, you can read it here.

Yesterday, I saw bits of an interview with Ta-Nehisi Coates which spurred me to find the entire interview. You might want to find a bit of time to watch it as well… as always, Coates has a way about him that makes me stop and think.

Finally, MY YARN ARRIVED for The Sweater! I need to find a spot of time to begin the swatch-o-rama! (My yarn choice? I went with Peace Fleece in the same color that Emily used… I do not have anything in my wardrobe like it and I am so excited!)

One large ball of Peace Fleece and four little bits that will soon be a gnome!

I am eagerly awaiting my class today… I wound some yarns and am ready to go!

See you all back here on Monday! Have a great weekend!

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