Finding Hope | 1.24.25
I am taking a page from Kym and will be occasionally sharing the hope I find in my days with you all... perhaps my hope will inspire your hope as Kym's hope has certainly inspired mine! Everything that is done in the world is done by hope. — Martin Luther This...
“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end”
― Seneca

September RIFFing | 9.13.24
September days have the warmth of summer in their briefer hours, but in their lengthening evenings a prophetic breath of autumn. — Rowland E. Robinson Happy almost mid-September! This quote... so very true. I love the warmth of the September sun that gives way to a...
Unraveled Wednesday | 9.11.24
Greetings Gentle Unravelers on this most somber of Wednesday's I am sure, like me, you all remember exactly where you were at 8:14AM EDT in 2001. Today, especially, I think of the 2,977 souls that were lost. A good day to sit in quiet meditation and catch up my...
Sometimes Monday | 9.9.24
Over the weekend I planned for the future... planning as in ordering bulbs to plant. This is the kind of future planning I think I like best, a colorful promise of delight after a long, brown winter! And that got me thinking about what else is a promise of delight. A...
Friday Finds | 9.6.24
Greetings Everyone and Happy First Friday! It has been a good week... I got my "fall jabs" at Rite Aid on Wednesday and yesterday I was feeling it. I reminded myself that my feeling "icky" meant that my body was working hard on building new fighter t-cells and this...
Unraveled Wednesday | 9.4.24
Greetings dear Unravelers and welcome to September! https://askatknits.com/wp-admin/edit.phpKnitting season is upon us... and I want to knit all the things! Or at least all the things I should not be knitting! (Like Gnome sweaters and September socks!) Gnatty has had...
Hello, September | 9.2.24
September is the other January. — Gretchen Rubin Hello Sweet September! You are one of my favorite months and have been for as long as I can remember! I love every thing you bring from the return "normal" schedules to the changes that happen with the weather! So what...