Unraveled Wednesday | 2.12.25

Unraveled Wednesday | 2.12.25

Greetings Unravelers and Happy Wednesday! Drumroll please...I have departed Sleeve Island! Button Band Alley up next! Actually, I started my trek down Button Band Alley Sunday night after my departure from Sleeve Island but then a couple of things happened... Philly...

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“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end”
― Seneca
Yutori… a beginning | January 2025

Yutori… a beginning | January 2025

Welcome to all of you who are focusing on a word for the year... I hope that your January start helped your settle your feet on the path of your year and even it the path is bumpy now, I know it will smooth out soon! The link up is at the bottom of this post! January...

Finding Hope | 1.24.25

Finding Hope | 1.24.25

I am taking a page from Kym and will be occasionally sharing the hope I find in my days with you all... perhaps my hope will inspire your hope as Kym's hope has certainly inspired mine! Everything that is done in the world is done by hope. — Martin Luther This...

Unraveled Wednesday | 1.22.25

Unraveled Wednesday | 1.22.25

Greetings dear Unravelers... I hope you are all bundled in all the knits today! I am because it is beyond bitterly cold here! First, a bit of a Frankie update... surgery did absolutely not go as planned on Monday morning. One testicle was exactly where it should...

Sometimes Monday | 1.20.25

Sometimes Monday | 1.20.25

We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope. — Martin Luther King Jr. Today I am reminding myself that while disappointment exists... it is absolutely finite, yet hope is an infinite well and I will be in that infinite well of hope today with...

A Gathering of Poetry | 1.16.25

A Gathering of Poetry | 1.16.25

If ever there was a month for poetry it is January. We have had some very winter-like weather this month and for that I am truly grateful. While I might not appreciate the snow and cold, nature surely does. I look around my snow-covered back yard and all my bulbs...

Unraveled Wednesday | 1.15.25

Unraveled Wednesday | 1.15.25

Greetings dearest Unravelers! We are halfway through January... the days are just steadily marching along. I have some finishes to share with you all today and a new beginning! Or should I say a finished project and a "technically finished, but still lacking" project....



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