Hello, February! | 2.3.25

Hello, February! | 2.3.25

February is the border between winter and spring. — Terri Guillemets And that border became very visible in my backyard over the weekend! Why you ask? Well, those daffodil bulbs I planted 2 years ago... colossally huge daffs... are poking leaves through the dirt and...

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“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end”
― Seneca
Hello, January | 1.6.25

Hello, January | 1.6.25

JANUARY, The first month of the year, A perfect time to start all over again, Changing energies and deserting old moods, New beginnings, new attitudes ― Charmaine J Forde And perhaps even knowing what actual day it is! Yes, hello, January! Yes, I have spent the last...

Welcome to Yutori | 1.3.25

Welcome to Yutori | 1.3.25

As I said here, it is so sad that English words can be so lacking... However, I aim to remedy that this year with my word choice! (or did this word choose me??) I discovered Yutori last July when I was spending some time thinking about companion words for time. Of all...

Unraveled Wednesday | 1.1.25

Unraveled Wednesday | 1.1.25

Happy New Year Gentle Unravelers! As promised, this week is all about my reading last year. It was a good year... sort of. As I explained earlier as I was doing my year-end review of 2024... I discovered that I did not remember much about a lot of the books I read so...

A Year of Time | December 2024

A Year of Time | December 2024

All this apparently began when matter and light decoupled. What were they arguing about, I wonder? The future? It’s always the future isn’t it? An excerpt from David Hinton's essay/poem on time in Emergence Magazine volume V: Time It has been such a magnificent year....

Sometimes Monday | 12.23.24

Sometimes Monday | 12.23.24

To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake it is necessary to stand out in the cold. — Aristotle The temperatures outside are absolutely telling me it is winter, but the beauty of snowflakes falling almost all day on Saturday were the greatest delight! They changed from...

A Gathering of Poetry | December 2024

A Gathering of Poetry | December 2024

Today, I am joining Bonny and friends today to share a bit of poetry. I *usually* read a couple of poems each morning, but a certain small someone has drastically altered my morning routine and I fell away from sitting with the quiet and reading a poem either with my...



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