A bit of whimsy | 7.1.22
Hello, July. I am so glad I am filling my days with some whimsy so I can avoid thinking about the looming July holiday that this year won't feel like something to celebrate at all. Who knows what women can be when they are finally free to be themselves. ― Betty...
“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end”
― Seneca
Oooh Laaa La!
Hello everyone! Happy Friday. I wanted to be the first to let you all know that Becky http://www.kniftyknitter.blogspot.com/ - my spoiler from SP8 - has started a KAL!!! Wooo Hoo Becky! Come on and join us in the Oooh Laaa La KAL...
Laboring on Labor Day
Hello Everyone! Did you all have a great weekend? It was not bad here - I got all the furniture moved on Friday with the help of my friend. We unloaded the truck on Saturday morning with help from a couple of friends - so my garage is packed to the gills with...
Ushering in September
Hello Everyone. Well, it is Friday and September 1st! Welcome September! I am ready for a new season - school to start - life to get back to normal (is there such a thing?).As Labor Day weekend unfolds - I am heading to Clare today - moving furniture out of the...
OK Go – Here It Goes Again Okay – one take and "He…
OK Go - Here It Goes AgainOkay - one take and "Here It Goes Again" Now, this excercise could be fun!
The end of an era
Hello everyone - I think it is time for me to share with you what has been going on in my life recently. It has been kind of surreal around here lately, but I am forging onward - taking it one day at a time.My husband left me on July 17th - the day my basement flooded...
Where did the weekend go?
Hello Everyone! I cannot believe that it is Sunday night! I had to work at Chico's this weekend - thus it flew by. Here it is Sunday night - I am sitting here with a glass of wine with "Iron Chef America" on - do I lead an exciting life or what????In light of my...