Sometimes Monday… | 7.18.22

Sometimes Monday… | 7.18.22

...brings rain! And that, my friends, is a very, very good thing! My focus is still on keeping things simple this week, despite an incredibly unsimple event that might occur this week... Jury Duty. I got the summons a couple of months ago and this is the week when I...

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“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end”
― Seneca

The end of an era

Hello everyone - I think it is time for me to share with you what has been going on in my life recently. It has been kind of surreal around here lately, but I am forging onward - taking it one day at a time.My husband left me on July 17th - the day my basement flooded...

Where did the weekend go?

Hello Everyone! I cannot believe that it is Sunday night! I had to work at Chico's this weekend - thus it flew by. Here it is Sunday night - I am sitting here with a glass of wine with "Iron Chef America" on - do I lead an exciting life or what????In light of my...

Route 66

Route 66

Hello Everyone! I got home last night to find a package had arrived from Phoenix, AZ! I was stunned to open the box and find these treasures tucked inside. My Secret Pal - Rebecca of - has been my spoiler in SP8. Rebecca, I can...

Shhhhh! It's a secret!

Shhhhh! It's a secret!

Hello Everyone! I can hardly believe that SP8 is waning! I have so enjoyed this swap. I have gotten my "reveal" gift ready for my spoilee! I knit her the Cable Footies from One Skein. I loved knitting these! What a great pattern! I used Manos del Uraguay - and needed...


Hello everyone! I have my house back - well almost anyway! The bedrooms and family room have carpeting and the bathroom has vinyl (or whatever they call it). My stairs are bare - and the dufus did not reinstall the toilet. DUH - did he think my kids would use it in...



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