A bit of whimsy | 7.1.22
Hello, July. I am so glad I am filling my days with some whimsy so I can avoid thinking about the looming July holiday that this year won't feel like something to celebrate at all. Who knows what women can be when they are finally free to be themselves. ― Betty...
“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end”
― Seneca

Good Friday Thoughts
Hello everyone, A nice day here in my household. I had the second interview this morning - I am not sure it is going to work. The person was ten minutes late to the interview. The office was not even open when I arrived! It did not set a very good tone. Kyle made it...
Stitch and Bitch
Hello! It is knitting day at Lizzie Ann's!! Two whole hours of knitting time with some great women! Knitting AND conversation - wow! Hmmm, one would hope that I find a job and SOON, huh? I wanted to show you all the completed camellia from Noni - www.nonibags.com. I...
Smile and say cheese!
Well, here is my version of the Wobbly Circles Tote from IK. It was my first try at intarsia! I used Lamb's Pride Bulky - Persian Peacock, Pistachio, Wild Violet, Rust, and Kiwi. I wish I would have known about the KAL - but I know where to look for them now! I am...
Wet Wednesday
Hello everyone! It is a good day to sit and knit - no garden work for me today it this wet weather. It was 78 out yesterday, but alas - today it is a mere 54. Still, spring is working on springing here - as Easter approaches we are supposed to climb back into the...
Happy Monday All! Kids are back from Spring Break…
Happy Monday All! Kids are back from Spring Break with their dad - life is back to normal! I finished my intarsia bag! It is all felted and looks so cute. I discovered Noni bags this weekend! Check them out at www.nonibags.com They are so awesome - I am currently...
Hello there! I saw today some great pics of a Nor…
Hello there! I saw today some great pics of a Noro Shrug - hmmmm, my next project! What a nice thing to have when in the a/c during the summer! It looks quite lovely. I worked today on my intarsia bag - almost ready to sew it together and felt it! Pics will be...