The End is Here
Today ends my Summer Knit-Along. As you can see, while I made some excellent progress on completions this summer, I did not get everything done.
Truly, I am okay with that.
I am still working on Triticum and I am farther than I was before the summer began. Plus, over the summer – I have shown myself that I can indeed knit socks that fit! So, I will forge ahead with those Pushkinia socks and have a nice new collection of socks for my feet for when the weather requires socks (which hopefully won’t be too soon!)
There was also some ripping out – yes Jen Lucas MKAL Shawl #2 was sent to the frog pond. It was a Knit Kon-mari casualty.
I am even more okay with that! Knitting that does not spark joy should not be knit. Really.
Done (in order of completion):
- Indigo Cones
- Aestlight Shawl
- Picot Socks
- Thistle Rambles
- Tales from the Isle of Purbeck
- Handspun Nahant
- Pincha
- Jen Lucas MKAL Shawl #1
- Triticum
- Pushinia Socks x 2
Totally Undone:
- Jen Lucas MKAL Shawl #2
Beyond all this knitting, it was a very good summer – and I especially enjoyed the participation of each of you! I loved seeing finished items pop up on Ravelry and I REALLY enjoyed the cocktails that were shared over the summer.
However, now I am strangely filled with a crazy urge to cast on all the things. Or, at least one or two new projects! And, despite all attempts to put summer into a permanent holding pattern, Christmas will be here all too quickly. I have to figure out who will be getting any Christmas knitting this year – ASAP!!
I hope your summer was everything you wanted it to be – and more!