Sewing Contemplations and Questions
I have read through my Alabama Chanin book three times now and I think I am ready to give a tee-shirt a whirl. I think my first “go” will be from a couple of Steve’s old shirts. I hope to stop at Jo-Ann’s this weekend to get some craft thread and get started.
Beyond that, I have this pile of clothing which all no longer fits. I have been pondering how to “re-sew” all of it into wearable items. However, the thought of ripping out all these seams and removing all the neck binding and pockets is a bit daunting. Really? That is lots of ripping!
This leads me to wonder if there is an easier way to do this, but if there is I cannot figure it out. So, my question to any sewists out there – is there an easy way? They are all too big in the shoulders and the bodies of the garments. However, perhaps if they fit better in the shoulder, the garment would not look so large? I am not certain at all and my garment alteration skills are limited to hemming pants and skirts!
It is days like this that I wish my Nana was still here, because she would certainly have a plethora of ideas on how to accomplish this!
Figuring out a solution would certainly give a boost to my summer wardrobe!