by Kat | Feb 5, 2016 | General
The knitting continues, and I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. I have gotten to the color work portion of my Lopapeysa. That means that bind off will happen today! Thus far I have a grand total of twenty-seven and a half hours for #bangoutasweater and I am estimating that I have maybe another 5 hours more before that epic bind off happens.
I was shocked and insanely proud to see my sweater on MDK yesterday. A huge thanks to Kay for that supreme honor.
by Kat | Feb 4, 2016 | General
Wishful thinking is one thing, and reality another. – Jalal Talabani
The Marathon Knitting continues.
One sleeve is done and joined with the body. It’s mate is in process at about the half way point.
My goal is that I am ready to start the steek tomorrow, but I am pretty sure that is a large dose of wishful thinking!
by Kat | Feb 3, 2016 | General, Making
Yesterday, on my journey to Bang Out a Sweater I arrived at Sleeve Island. The seas were rough at the start as I tried to determine what increases worked best with the yarn.
Fortunately, Ysolda came to my rescue with this awesome edition of Technique Thursday.
Smooth sailing continues with practically invisible lifted increases.