Summer Bucket List… an update | 8.30.24

Summer Bucket List… an update | 8.30.24

Happy last Friday of August, everyone!

I know that there are still a few weeks left of summer…but for me, autumn begins when I turn the calendar to September!

Way back in May, I created what I thought was a very “doable” bunch of things to try and accomplish over the summer.

So how did I do? Well… I did some things very well… and other things, not so well at all. I found that the things that required the participation of *someone* else did not go well at all… as in, they did not happen at all because *someone* was not interested.

Lesson learned…Bucket lists should never include the participation of another. Although, it is really rather funny that *someone* was quite happy to eat s’mores and ice cream, just sayin’!

  1. Be a tourist in my town… at least once!
  2. Opt for more porch time!!
  3. Make some summer play lists… I am thinking a motivating weeding play list will do wonders! And a new Summery Happy Hour play list will be so fun!
  4. Learn something new… and then learn something else new!
  5. Reread some favorite books… I am thinking A Gentleman in Moscow, 4 3 2 1, and Charlotte’s Web!
  6. Make ice cream!
  7. Make s’mores!
  8. Revisit Meadowcroft Rock Shelter and Ohiopyle
  9. Try a few new restaurants!
  10. Schedule a few “technology break” days!

As you can see… some things did not happen. But there were some things that really worked for me this summer!

  1. More porch time… I created a “portable office” that I could take with me to the porch. And I sat most mornings. It was perfection… and I plan on continuing this as long into the fall as I can!
  2. I made a really motivating weeding play list! It helped tremendously on the summer of hot days… really, without that list I would have stayed indoors! And instead of creating a Happy Hour playlist…we found several already created playlists on Spotify that have quickly become favorites!
  3. Learning something new had a twist I did not think of. I have been making an effort to paint a bit every day. Really, just dabbling… but I am trying new things and retrying them and it has been so fun! And yes, I am learning things!
  4. It was absolutely the summer for reading! I did reread A Gentleman in Moscow, 4 3 2 1, and I have queued up Charlotte’s Web for my “weekend” listen!
  5. I did make ice cream! Peach ice cream!! It was yummy and, yes, we had it for dinner twice!
  6. I did not make “traditional” s’mores, but I found a fun twist on Pinterest and they were yummy and just enough to get the urge for s’mores out of my system!
  7. Technology break days started out great … I “unplugged” the most in June. July had a couple of breaks… and August saw not a single day that I was not attached to my phone. I am recalling those unplugged June days and especially how they were such a boon to my well-being. I don’t know about “scheduling” a day or two a month, but I am going to see how I can incorporate a “tech break” into my days more regularly!

A finish of 70% is not bad… and if I consider the “me only” portion of the list, I achieved a 100% completion!

What about you all? Was there something you did this summer that was a stand out?

Happy Long Weekend and I will see you all back here next week!

My Bucket is 40% Full

My Bucket is 40% Full

It’s Tuesday and you know what that means…Carole wants an update my Summer Bucket List to see how I am doing…

Oh boy…

Here is the link to the original post

Now, how am I doing?



However, I need to have a frank discussion with myself about the chance of success for completing the undone. I might be able to get one or two more things completed, but 100% is highly unlikely.

I mean, it is August 2nd and there are only thirty-three days until Labor Day…There is your depressing thought for the day.

You’re welcome.

Did you have a Summer Bucket List? If yes, how are you doing?

My Backyard Bucket List

My Backyard Bucket List

It’s Tuesday and that means that Carole wants to know:

10 Things On This Summer’s Bucket List

Well, there are a number of ways to approach this, but I am going to make this be a “doable” list – as in things I can do here in my little corner of the world.

Sometimes, there are the best things right in your own backyard!

  1. Go to the zoo
  2. Eat shaved ice – Gus and Yia Yia’s to be specific
  3. Get a pedicure – really, this is so Summer Bucket List Worthy!
  4. Watch the sunrise from Mount Washington
  5. Take a long walk along the Monongahela, Allegheny, and Ohio Rivers
  6. Ride on the Gateway Clipper
  7. Visit the Heinz History Museum
  8. Have one of Lucy’s World Famous Banh Mi
  9. Write and send handwritten letters (this is one you can help me out on – want to exchange handwritten letters this summer?)
  10. Take our FriYAY Happy Hour on the road for a new perspective

So, there you have it – my Pittsburgh Bucket List! Now, what I want to know is what would you put on your “backyard” bucket list?

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