To Whom It May Concern | 12.10.21

To Whom It May Concern | 12.10.21

It’s been a week, hasn’t it? Is it just me and does it feel like we are racing on to mid-December, except that December just began?! Fortunately, the mailbag has a letter or two to share!

Dear December Weather:

Mild is nice… in January, but I really like wintry Decembers…kthxbai

Dear PowerPoint Insurrectionists,

I am not sure if you all missed the zillions of company trainings that included a PowerPoint presentation from back in the ’90’s… but they were entire snorefests. Really… I think the response is clinically known as “Insta-tune out” but your feeble attempt did provide some hilarious fodder for the Twitterverse this week. I mean… I think we all have experienced Death by PowerPoint at least once in our lives. I am just insanely grateful you have not discovered the more engaging PowerPoint Alternatives! Back in the day, the most engaging Prezi was my go to training device… just sayin’.


American’s Who Don’t Insurrection

And finally…

Dear Easily Entertained Self:

This week you found such joy in the simple things like turning a heel and neatly picked up gusset stitches. But the greatest joy ever might have been found in a wee little Gnome Hat complete with a pocket! I love your thoughts on adding a bit of whimsical stitching to embellish that pocket with a tiny snow flake! You go girl!


One Whimsically Happy Knitter

And with that… I will leave you all to enjoy your weekend! See you all back here on Monday!

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood from Pexels

Virtual Advent | My First Christmas

Virtual Advent | My First Christmas

I enjoyed Bridget’s Virtual Advent Christmas story and I thought, well… I have a sort of similar story to share. And although I do not remember any of this story, I have heard it told and re-told and re-told! Plus..I have the proof that it is true!

I have a cousin, Bill, who is 6 months younger than me. I had looked for a photo of the two of us together, but alas, I could not find one. Instead I found a photo of me when I was about 2-ish (I think!) That is the face of determination, Gentle Readers!

That haircut?? Courtesy of my dear Nana!

This story takes place all the way back in 1961… our (mine and Bill’s) first Christmas. I was almost 1 and Bill was just 6 months old. My mom had gotten him a small teddy bear for Christmas, but she made the fatal error in letting me see the gift before it was wrapped. As the story goes, I was obsessed with the wee bear. I asked about the bear lots…and lots…and lots! Out of sight did not mean out of my mind! So it should have come to no surprise that just as we were all getting ready to sit down to eat, I walked in with the little bear. (Personally, I think the quiet should have been a huge clanging warning bell, amirite?) however, as the story goes, I found the wrapped box under the tree and helped myself.

Then the battle began… my mother wanted me to give it to Bill and I was having none of it. They say there were all kinds of tears and yelling (me crying, my parents yelling…) until my nana weighed in. And in her immortal words, as she loved to retell it… “it’s your own damned fault,” she told my mother. My nana in her wisdom ended the fracas, I had the bear… Bill had the box (?? I honestly don’t know if poor Bill got anything from us that year!) and dinner started with no more arguing! Ha!

That bear though… he was the dearest little friend, and as you can see… he was very well loved. Today, he sits in my living room, a humorous reminder my first Christmas…

It just can’t be December without the Virtual Advent Tour!

I want to thank Sprite for hosting Virtual Advent… I love participating and even more; I love reading all of the posts!


Welcome December | 2019

Welcome December | 2019

How did it get so late so soon? – Dr. Seuss

Ahh, December! In a whirl, you are here with your darkening, colder days.

But December you also bring Christmas trees, twinkle lights, carols, the best bits of childhood memories!

There is gift giving, with the hopes that you got just the perfect gift for loved ones near and far!

December, what you be without some last-minute rush knitting! (Yes… a phone call from my son has compelled me to knit a tiny bit more so queue up those Christmas movies! lol)

And December, you bring my birthday, although I think I am a bit less enthusiastic about its arrival than I was when I was little!

Finally, Dear December, I hope that you will still bring a good helping of that “child-like wonder” to your magical days!

Photo by Torsten Dettlaff from Pexels

Tiny Moment Tuesday | 12.18.18

Tiny Moment Tuesday | 12.18.18

Sometimes, last minute and entirely unexpected Christmas knitting are the best moments of the day.

A phone call with my son last night sparked this knitting and it warms my heart!

I think can get these done today so they can go in the mail tomorrow…at least that’s the plan!

Virtual Advent Tour – Day 16

Virtual Advent Tour – Day 16

Today, in a rare Sunday Post, I am participating again in Sprite’s Virtual Advent Tour! And, with just 8 days until Christmas today is all about Genevieve!

Dear Genevieve,

When your mom was little, she loved Sesame Street!

And, we would all watch The Snowman together – it was one of our favorites!

I hope you like these too!

Love, Nana

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