A Gathering of Easy
When one of my absolute favorite designers collaborates with some friends and they put together a collection of “Drop-Dead Easy Knits” I was excited to see what the collection would include. I pre-ordered the book and it was delivered on Tuesday – at which point, I dropped everything and started to page through.
Paging through turned into reading and before I knew it an hour had passed and I had a list of items to add to my Ravelry queue.
I had foolishly assumed the book would contain a collection of accessories, and while it has some really lovely accessory knitting pieces, there is so much more. Sweaters, baby items, and even a MDK Log Cabin blanket!
The thing I love the most about the book though is how the patterns are written.
How many times have you begun knitting a pattern and wished that some parts were highlighted boldly with the read ahead instructions? For me this has happened numerous times and it generally means frogging back several rows to correct the thing I have either omitted or kept doing but should have stopped.
In Drop-Dead Easy Knits the patterns have a special call out for “Concentration Zones” cluing you in to what is coming ahead. Likewise, they clearly mark areas where you can click on “Cruise Control” and knit on without worry (and it even tells you how long you can knit without worry!!)
Another bonus for knitters everywhere is the reference section where they give “alternate yarn suggestions by pattern”! Yes, really. And, the list is not compiled of one alternative – there are multiples for every project!
I was especially happy to see that it is number one on the Amazon Best Sellers in Knitting list this morning so if you buy only one knitting book this year, this would be an excellent choice. Seriously! Your knitting library will thank you!
Now for some Friday Links:
- Luelea
- Eureka!
- Thea has been busy
- So has Wooly Wormhead
- tweedy fog is fab!
- Free is good
- More free is even better
- And even more free is spectacular!
- Need to Feel hugged ?
- Wilhelm Tell is so cute!
- Sparia
- Sagitta
- A Flurry for your feet – perhaps the best kind!
- Dandelion in a Breeze
That is all I have for today! Have a fantastic week and see you back here on Monday!!