by Kat | Nov 16, 2015 | General, In This Moment
If you live long enough, you’ll make mistakes. But if you learn from them, you’ll be a better person. It’s how you handle adversity, not how it affects you. The main thing is never quit, never quit, never quit. – William J. Clinton
Last week I shared that I had made several mistakes in a weaving project and my decision was to go back, fix the errors, and begin again.
Now here it is Monday and I am happy to announce that I fixed the problems – it was not easy, but it was not impossible! I made the errors because I over thought the threading pattern and the process.
by Kat | Mar 6, 2015 | General
It has almost been 5 months since my last blog post. Five very long months that included me traveling back to Michigan to see my kids, some more knitting for a friend, some personal knitting for myself, some Christmas knitting, and a little tiny bit of Beginning Spinning teaching at my LYS.
Many things to fill the days and none of them having much to do with writing or blogging, which feels very much like failure when I look at my blog. I like to think that the process of blogging activates my brain and encourages me to write creatively. Sad that I so easily let this fall by the wayside.
The New Year came with no list of resolutions for me, at least nothing specific or defined – a purposeful decision on my part. No resolution, no failure – a simple, yet very motivating factor. Rather, my goals this year are simple – Be Healthy, Be Happy, Read More, and Learn More.
by Kat | May 8, 2014 | Uncategorized
I wanted to update you all with how the Romney plied up – as you can see, the result is as beautiful as the fiber I began with.

by Kat | May 21, 2012 | General, Words
Apparently, if you are a member of congress, you are probably not – especially if the Tea Party voted you in.
Great correlation there, if you ask me – idiots voting in idiots?
What spurs this topic is something I heard on NPR while getting ready for work this morning. You can listen to the entire story here, if you missed it.

The NPR Graphic shows the decline clearly
As America continues its “Dumb down Spiral,” stay tuned gentle reader, as it is bound to get more interesting as the election nears.
I am off to do a bit of reading, so I can continue to stay ahead of the pack…
by Kat | Jul 6, 2010 | General, Words
There has been sadly little in the news recently on education.
However, unemployment makes the headlines daily, and with good reason as a large portion of our citizenry is either unemployed or under-employed.
How little we think of unemployment and education being vitally important to each other…and then last week I came across an article about employment and a company’s woes as it tried to hire some 1300 people and their lament of only being able to find less than a hundred whom they could employ. Why, you ask? It is easy, less than 100 applicants could pass the simple 9th grade mathematics exam for employment! That is correct, Gentle Reader, they have some 1300 positions they are trying to fill but cannot find workers who are capable of doing the work because they cannot do 9th grade math!