Didn't you get my memo?
Or maybe I should say, didn’t you read my memo?
Communication is highly under-rated, until Miss Communication showed up unexpectedly.
Can someone please show her the door… I really need to get dressed.
Or maybe I should say, didn’t you read my memo?
Communication is highly under-rated, until Miss Communication showed up unexpectedly.
Can someone please show her the door… I really need to get dressed.
Days that are shades of grey and feeling empty and alone.
It can sometimes be too quiet….
However, I keep telling myself that spring is coming.
There were final footsteps in the snow
They will all too soon be melted
However, the footsteps you left on my heart will remain for all eternity.
Tonight, I ask you all to raise a glass to Copper.
“….But since it fell into my lot, That I should rise and you should not.
I’ll gently rise and softly call, Goodnight and joy be to you all.”
Good night, dearest Copper, rest in peace.
Hello everyone!
What an amazing weekend! From start to finish it was just amazing! From Friday night with The Yarn Harlot to Sunday with Amy and Jillian and a bit of work in between it rocked!
But, I have to tell you that Sunday was simply beyond belief! Ann, Sandy, and I headed out to visit Mecca for the premier of More Big Girl Knits. It was a transforming day. Truly transforming.
Personally, weight is something that I have struggled with for a long time – a lifetime, it seems. And, living in a society that tells us daily that the norm is to be a thin, svelte size 6 makes being the exact opposite of that a challenge. As friends have blogged about, shopping for clothes for those of us who are not societies norm is not much fun.
When you get to my age (yes, the ripe old age of 47) there are things that you want to change, but changing them in reality just ain’t gonna happen! I mean, get real. I am not likely to start training for a marathon next week – or even next month. Hell, lets be totally honest here – marathon training is not ever going to happen! So, shopping consists of finding things that “cover” you up.
Then, yesterday happened.
Amy and Jillian brought with them to Threadbear a volume of samples to try on. A volume I am telling you! How awesome is that?
But, what is even more awesome is the fact that each item I tried on flattered my overweight, middle-aged body!
These patterns are well written with amazing instructions to help fit each garment to me! I spent the evening reading through the book and I am more in love with it than I was at Threadbear! If I could make a recommendation to you about a book to by if you are a beautiful big girl – get this book! Usually, I am lucky if there are a couple of patterns in a book that I might knit. In More Big Girl’s there is a list! A long list! This could provide me knitting for a good long time!
I am not the only person who this “Aha Moment”. There was much excitement in all the women who were trying things on. And, it was truly amazing to be with women who were like me…. and watching them be transformed as I was.
Add to that the fact that there were some divine cupcakes and astonishingly delicious cake – and a building packed with yarn – you can understand why Threadbear gets the title of Mecca!
Matt and Rob were charming as ever – and they had amazing sales as well yesterday! And, I mean AMAZING!
So, what was so amazing you ask????
Ummmm, how about a little Shaeffer Clara on sale – think – Liberate Your Laceweight!
And, can you even pass up Lorna’s Laces Lion and Lamb on sale at 50% off – I cast on last night for a new Clapotis!
And, the best of all – a sweater’s worth of Garnstudio’s Silky Wool that will become The No-Gap Wrap from More Big Girl Knits!
Yeah – a great day. I will leave you with some photo’s of what you all were missing!
Sandy and Ann with some new yarn for a scarf for Ann!
Tracey casting on something new from the book! I am so fortunate to have her as a friend! And, I am loving her sweater – you looked awesome, girlfriend!
Jillian and the “Wall of Collinette”. If you are not blessed to know this woman – she just rocks!
Amy knitting away on a gorgeous sweater. I don’t know what the knitting community would be without knitty.com. She is awesome!
And, last but certainly not least – Carla! She is knitting the same sweater in the same yarn in the same color as me. It is a sister thing!
Whew – after a weekend like this I need to get back to work! But, just to keep the “knitting glow” going. The S.A.B.L.E. group is on my agenda for the evening. What could be a better way to end – with knitters with the same obsession as me!
Have a great week all!
Hello everyone.
You have all humbled me with your kind and supportive responses.
This blog was started when I lost a long time job and when I started it I had no clue where life would take me. I am amazed at how much calmer I am today, in the light of uncertainty, than I was two and a half years ago.
Sometimes life is all about preparing you for the next step. My eyes are open to so much more today than they were.
I had been looking at other employment opportunites for some time now – I knew in my heart that I needed to find other work. The housing industry in Michigan is shaky, at best. I had been looking in West Michigan – and was a bit depressed at how depressed the economy truly is around here. But, not being much of a “glass half empty” person, I could not linger in that state long.
Then came the shake up of job loss and with a renewed sense of direction – I began to look outside my comfort zone.
I need to apply to my life what I have been telling my children for years – change is inevitable. Change happens daily because each day is different than the last. Learn to embrace and accept change – life will be so much easier.
Sometimes the hardest thing is to do what you tell others to do.
So, I am heading on a new journey. One that I do not know where it is leading to. But, I know that I am not traveling on this journey alone.
This could actually be a very good thing – think of how many knitting minutes I will now have between now and Christmas!
Life is in fact very, very good.
Stay tuned tomorrow for some knitting and spinning content!
Thanks for your prayers and support – they are truly a balm to my soul!