Last week we had a wee break in the heat and humidity, but that all ended over the weekend. This week is supposed to be warm and so humid. But that break…it makes me think about moving out of this season and easing into autumn.
It’s been such a strange summer… this was my “harvest” from this morning. Six little cherry tomatoes…sigh. I talked with someone this weekend who is having no better gardening luck that I am… and they garden on a much larger scale than the tiny garden we have.
But rather than dwell on the disappointments to start the week… I thought I’d ask the Knitting Hive Mind for some knitterly input. I have been thinking about Pressed Flowers …lots! I have even dreamt about it! (sorry, Ravelry link… I looked for other ways to share the shawl, but alas… Rav appears to be the only place Amy sells her patterns.) It would be a lovely thing to knit this fall and I think some of you have made it, but I honestly can’t remember if that is true. If you have made Pressed Flowers, what are your thoughts? Is it wearable…or maybe I should ask, Do you wear it often? I am contemplating using plötulopi to knit it with… my vision is a light, but warm layering piece.
That is all I have for this morning! See you all back here on Wednesday and I look forward to your Pressed Flowers input!
Another week… another Friday…and joy of joys, it is snowing in Pittsburgh this morning. Yes, that’s right… snow! On all the tender new leaves. On the lilac blooms. On the magnolia blooms. Sigh.
Today is day four of my 100 Day Project and these moments of creatively stitching have been rays of sunshine in my day! You can follow my journey via Instagram, which I think is the perfect platform for sharing my days progress. I am happy that the plan in my head is flowing beautifully into my stitches.
To avoid any new temptations, I have been **trying** to avoid Ravelry this week. Key word…trying! LOL It seems that it was a “cloudy” week there! Did you see Cloudesley and Cloud Cover? Yeah…they are awesome, and both have been rattling around my head a bit. I also cannot get Mary’s inky navy sweater out of my head and I might have identified a “hole” in my warm weather wardrobe! However, I have not begun looking for any inky navy yarns…yet.
It was a week of lots.of.baking! Yesterday I made these brownies…and yowza, they are so good! And today I am baking my first loaf of sourdough bread! (I have my fingers crossed that it rises!)
If you, like me, are doing all kinds of Zoom get togethers… I found these tips and tricks to be exceedingly helpful!
Saturday meant a trip to the Post Office so I could get my daughter’s hat on its way and, in the afternoon, we visited Spoonwood Brewing Co and tasted some of their new brews! We also took a growler home for our very quiet Super Bowl Celebration.
Grumpy Face Sherman did not see his shadow either. He wonders where are the fireworks for him!?
Sunday, as I am sure you all heard, Punxsatawny Phil did not see his shadow and neither did Sherman. Yep, we started out with not one lick of sunshine here in the ‘Burgh, BUT!! I headed off to church in the snow and gloom and when I left one short hour later, I was greeted by BLUE SKIES and, yes, SUNSHINE!! And, a day that started with a dusting of snow ended at 52˚F. Only in Pittsburgh, I am telling you, lol.
We are ready for some football!
We took the easy route with our Super Bowl eats, some Buffalo Wings and some left over Pierogi Pie (which is seriously to die for!!) and a glass or two of beer. We laughed at some of the commercials, I cried over one, and we were scratching our heads at a show all about Lego building blocks… say what? But really…how has Bubble Butt, err YoGlutes never been a thing before now??? Also, that Half Time Show was so good!
However, those clear skies stayed for the remainder of the day and when I took Sherman out for his evening constitutional, I was greeted by the moon and lots of stars (and it was still so warm out!) It looks like we will have more sunshine today with our forecast hinting at a high of 60˚F! I don’t think Phil meant an immediate return to spring, but maybe?
A weekend that welcomed February in the best way and now I might be off to find some Pretzel Pop Tarts! How was your weekend?
September was an incredible month…there was baking, and the first day of school, and so many amazing skies (most of which were captured on my morning walks!) and there were good sips, Pilates, Sherman, and a new do! One thing struck me in looking back was this: even though the daylight hours were waning, the light itself was truly spectacular! Especially for taking pictures because it is softer and warmer and I definitely noticed that in this months photo images.
The video shares 1 minute of a September that felt like it began and ended about that fast!
And, that is a wrap for the week! I am heading off to Michigan bright and very early tomorrow morning. (Okay, really dark and insanely early as I will be on my way long before the sun rises!) I will see you all back here next week in time for Unraveled Wednesday!
Notes on a weekend: I do not consider myself a pie baker, but this recipe intrigued me and 8 cups of frozen raspberries from our garden that I had done absolutely nothing with glaring at me every time I opened the freezer. So, out came the raspberries to thaw a bit while I put mixed the pie crust ingredients together on Sunday morning. My raspberry modifications: 4 C raspberries – slightly thawed. 3 Tbsp corn starch (next time I will only use 2 Tbsp), 1/2 cup sugar, 1 tsp vanilla paste, the juice and zest of one lemon. I needed to bake it about 8 minutes longer than the recipe called for.
Oh, and that corned beef… omgosh, it was hands down the best corned beef I have ever made – or eaten! If you have always felt sort of ho-hum about corned beef… try Andrew Z’s recipe. It will turn you into a corned beef fan!!
My quilt top is almost done! As is the back of Deschain – so you know that means I simply had to cast on a new project, lol. This will be the shawl I am donating to and Close to You won the great pattern debate. I wound the yarn while I watched the NCAA selection show (there were cheers for Michigan pulling a #2 seed despite losing the Big Ten Tournament to Michigan State) and the winding continued while we watched the Circus. But, cast on was achieved before I finally turned off the lights and headed to bed.
And, with that – the weekend is just a warm memory and the mundanity of Monday awaits me! How about you? How was your weekend?