by Kat | Jun 7, 2009 | General, Words
I survived, now where is my tee shirt?
A new chapter unfolds and now the work begins in earnest to get things ready for Heidi to head off to college in the fall. Therefore, I went to work in earnest to earn money to help pay for this new endeavor! Overtime, FTW!
It was a big week at Casa Del KatKnits, and last week was, in my not so humble opinion, an historical week for the world. A week which holds promise for finding common ground with those who differ greatly from us in some ways, and have more in common with us than we care to admit.
It started when my President said these words in Cairo, “And I’m also proud to carry with me the goodwill of the American people, and a greeting of peace from Muslim communities in my country: Assalaamu alaykum.” It profoundly struck me how very appropriate these words are. In fact, his entire speech was profound, un-political, and heartfelt.
Calm words echoed by his calm demeanor, coupled with his forthright tone resonated loudly across the world. How amazing to have our nation represented so eloquently to the watching world.
It saddened me to see someone post something on a social network in anger about President Obama’s speech and how “they had killed over 3000 Americans” and that he was a “traitor.” I however strongly disagree with those statements. I think we have spent far too much time being students of fear and hatred. Indeed, there has been too much justification of prejudicial attitudes that encourages the world to continue on the course it is traveling – a journey that for many will be the very last one they take. There has been enough bloodshed, with far too many lives lost.
After all, if we focus on those things that we have in common, how hard can it be to overcome or overlook those things we do not have in common. Moreover, I believe that is where Barak Obama began the journey last week, and he is calling to each of us with encouragement to look at what we share with the world around us rather than focus on what makes us different.
Change unfolding before us with someone encouraging us to step forward without fear or trepidation. It is almost as if we are all at our graduation and unknown possibilities lay before us.
Exciting times, don’t you agree?
by Kat | Jun 4, 2009 | General
Well, it is over.
The fat lady has sung.
Heidi has graduated from high school and she did so quietly on Monday night. It was a beautiful graduation ceremony – the speakers were inspiring. How incredibly refreshing to hear young people speak with such passion about getting out of Holland, Michigan, doing something for the world around you, and to look for new things to learn each day. I shall miss my relationship with Holland Public Schools – you have been a constant companion in my life for the past fifteen years and I am not sure I can do this cold turkey. No more report cards, no more parent-teacher conferences, and no more orchestra concerts – this will leave a huge void that I am not sure I will know how to replace.
Although, I have been trying by working some extra shifts at work and that is not exactly the replacement I was looking for but my pocketbook is enjoying the overtime pay!
I am still working on plugging in the links to your blogs on my “recommended reading” page. Bear with me – I will get you there!
On the fiber front, I have been knitting up a storm – and seem to have caught a good case of Cast-on-itis! My newest itch to cast on is another FLS! It was a great knit, and I want to knit another one. This time I will knit it with some hand-dyed yarn from my friend Rita at Yarn Hollow!
It is indeed turning into the Summer of Sweaters here!
I am looking forward to the summer and August in particular. My vacation requests have no conflicts with co-workers with more seniority so it is clear sailing for my dates. What do I have coming up you ask? Well, I am planning to attend a conference of the League of Michigan Weavers at Hope College and then it is the Michigan Fiber Festival in Allegan. My goal is to have my new Indigo Ripples skirt finished and some spinning to enter for judging! I am Jonesing for a ribbon, so look out!
I am also going to be trying out a Fiber Sample pack from the Spinning Loft and I will be sharing the process with you here! I have never washed fiber and have not spun many of the fibers that will be included in the sampler – stay tuned for my reviews, my systematic guide, and my level of success!
Enjoy your weekend, I am off to find that darned housekeeper and put her to work!