Knitting Anticipation
There has not been a lot of knitting around here this week. However, there has been a good deal of knitting anticipation.
Like this, and this. Knitting ennui has been vanquished!
But, I hope to have the Honey Cowl done later today. I only have about an inch more to knit, so that is entirely doable!
There has been a good deal of reading though, thanks to Audiobooks and a bit of insomnia.
I finished listening to Clara read Knitlandia and I really enjoyed it in this format!
I began listening to The Girl on the Train, I am not yet sure how I feel about this book as I just began yesterday.
I finished The Murder of Harriet Krohn by Karin Fossum. (I am not reading these in order, which I may come to regret) It was a curious way to write a murder mystery. I won’t say more as to not share any spoilers, but I am not sure I really liked the manner in which the story unfolded.
Last night, I began reading He Who Fears the Wolf by the same author. I think that I will like this book a bit more than Harriet Krohn.
I have not gotten much farther in The Year of Living Danishly as I haven’t had any time to sit down to read during the day at all. I hope to correct that before this week is over. I need to get it finished, because it is due back to the library (always a good incentive to sit down and read!)
Do you have any “must finish” books this week?