by Kat | Sep 15, 2016 | General, Words
I had been so filled with joy in emptying out boxes and sorting through things from my move to Pittsburgh.
Overflowing with joy!
There were things that were easy to either move on to a new home or get rid of because if you have not used something in 3 years, you probably don’t need it right?
However, I moved here with LOTS of things from/for my kids. Things they made. Things I made for them. Things I loved dearly and that sparked such amazing joy.
If something sparks joy, Marie says it’s a keeper and this stuff sparks joy and then some! However, would they spark more joy in my children’s homes now?

Two Year Old Hands carefully stitched.
I had to take a step back and reassess my Konmari process. There are things that Marie Kondo had left out of her amazing little book. She forgot about the Saudade items – those things that bring deep, nostalgic, and melancholic longing for a time that will never return.
So, I have begun a box or two that will go with us when we visit my kids at the end of the month. The sorting process has gone rather slowly as I have worked through the challenging task, and it has been filled with bittersweet memories and a wistful longing for days gone by.
I am going to need more Kleenex™ to get through this.
by Kat | Mar 4, 2016 | General
While doing some Konmari in my office last week, I found this…
It is the first thing I ever created. I was about 5 years old and my Nana (who was an amazing seamstress) was sewing and I wanted more than anything to learn. She helped me make this pin cushion. I cut out the pieces under her guidance and sewed them on her sewing machine. I was infinitely proud of this small project and a crafter was born. I used this pin cushion for a long time, and then it got packed away with the sewing machine – both sitting long forgotten for a good number of years. The sewing machine is out and back in use now, but I had entirely forgotten the pin cushion until I found it cleaning out my office.
by Kat | Mar 3, 2016 | General, Making
I have been obsessed with the patterns by JumperCables lately, especially this and this and this! Do I think any of them would look good on me? No. But that does not stop me from thinking about them. There is one that I think I can pull off – Puddle. This seems like an excellent summer project, mindless knitting that would not fill my lap and the end result would give me a lovely warm cowl come fall.
Konmari and my office have become such great friends. Now, to figure out what to do with over 200 CD’s… Seems kind of wasteful to throw them away (not to mention not environmentally nice) and I really don’t want another box of stuff to put somewhere. Any ideas would be appreciated…
I am so proud of Daughter Number 2 – this week she donated over 500 ounces of breast milk to some in need moms. And, she has over 700 ounces more to give. She is a super mom in my book!
I have been enjoying Sonya Philip’s Periscope broadcasts each week – she has great, thought-provoking conversation. If you have not tried Periscope – you should. A great way to get quick, fun updates from a variety of sources. Ones I especially love – Ysolda, Goulet Pens, and Kay Gardiner (especially when she reads through the latest Rowan Magazine…)
Making mistakes work is something that does not always happen. However, this week I had one that worked incredibly well. Best mistake ever…bias tape on the outside FTW!
As for now I am heading to watch some Netflix and work on finishing some projects before Easter gets here!
by Kat | Feb 26, 2016 | General, In This Moment
Konmari: In my office, the place I have resisted long enough. This is daunting and more than a little scary because, this will involve a realistic look at yarn and fiber – a painful task to be sure. But, I will gird my loins and face the lions today! I am determined to be a conqueror! Hopefully…
Entirely Over: Politics! When did politics become an eternal process? How many debates do we really need? Especially when the same things are said over, and over, and over, and over. And this is not something that is one-sided, both parties are guilty! In my opinion, this is the most undemocratic process ever. It feels more like we have all somehow been banished to some horrid Political Hell!
Knitting: The serious assessment of projects is taking place and today ushers in Yarn Reclamation Day – yes, that is right, Gentle Reader, some projects will be taking a trip to the FROG Pond. Thank you Kym for the tender recommendation. Things not heading to the Frog Pond are this and this which I hope to finish this weekend!
Listening: I am catching up today with Serial and Morning on the Dock, and if I am still not done with the demolition, err, KonMari activities, then Diana Krall Radio on Pandora will be my support.
Anticipating: The new season of House of Cards, which is coming out March 4 and the new season of Happy Valley which will be available mid-March. Garrison Keillor’s last broadcast from the Fitzgerald Theatre tomorrow night.
Enjoying: Periscope’s with fun and useful information – Thank you Ysolda and Sonya for these amazing little mini lessons to break up my day and inspire my creativity!
Planning: A week of sewing with plans of getting some new pillows done for the living room, also, another Dress #2 and pair number one of Pants #1!
That’s it for today, have a good weekend everyone! See you all back here on Monday!
by Kat | Jan 22, 2016 | General
Last weekend saw a bit of
Kon-Mari happening at my house. It was, as they say, a very good thing! Now, I am nowhere near ready for the
Master Course, but small steps are happening!